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[CLOSED] e-8309 link access error followed by e-8302 cannot play track(c630)


2x CDJ-2000-NXS Running firmware v1.04

1 X Recordbox V2.01

  • CDJ's wired connected to the network

  • PC (windows 7 connected wired to the network, firewall turned off)


I have the following problem.


I just bought 2 CDJ-2000-NXS. I have no problem with playing MP3 files from an USB stick. When I load the same files that are located on my harddrive (c:) I can see them on the CDJ's when i'm in the "recordbox" mode.


I select a file from my rekordbox library and want to play this. then i get the following error.


I see the following error a few seconds - e-8309 link access error

This error is followed by

e-8302 cannot play track(c630)


I already read some other threads here but I'm not able to find the problem. Can you please help me with this.


 When i connected the CD's to Rekordbox on my Iphone i can play the files correctly.


Could you please give me an advice or help?

Richard Buitelaar

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I've the same problem with same set up, I'm waiting the next firmware update.

What do you have for antivirus?

Projectsoft 0 votes
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Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012, but that would be real strange if that would be the issue,,,

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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OK I've Avira, not the problem

I change lan cable, switch, lot of PC configuration, link test ... I really don't know and I'm great in computer science

Maybe Rekordbox problem?

Waiting tomorrow the next update ...

Projectsoft 0 votes
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Yepp, I've tried everything as well. Really hope the new firmware will solve this problem.

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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Nope, not really. It's a samsung HD103SJ 1TB. Bought it about 1,5 years ago, when I rebuilt my PC. But I've tried the same trick from every internal HD and external USB drive I've got. I've even tried a USB stick with FAT, because I've read in some threats that problems might be caused because a drive is NTFS instead of FAT 32. But all gives the same error. Hooked 1 of my CDJ's directly into my PC with the LAN cable, windows FW and AV turned off. Same error...

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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I have had this problem too but on a Mbp (2nxs connected via djm2k)

Also when you drag and drop a track sometimes the deck that is live has stopped :(
I believe it is a Rekordbox issue but then again wouldn't fully explain it when your using USB

Is it the big day tomorrow? Fw update!

DigitalRogue 0 votes
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Also what's strange is that when I fire up the driversoftware, which is supposed to tell me the software version or the version of my CDJ is saying that my CDJ isn't connected. While in my CDJ menu it says that the Link status is connected and both my CDJ's are visible in Rekordbox...

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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Ok, updated my CDJ's to the latest firmware V1.06, still the same problem.... Not loading tracks directly from Rekordbox. Pulse or Gavin, can you please reply....

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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Update, Tracks are located at 1 of my internal drives. (F:) I've mapped this one now and shared for my network, but still doesn't work. Allthough my CDJ's appear to get back with the message faster and now the message is Mediafile is collapsed or unavailable, E-8302 cannot play track (C658) where it was before C630)

Richard Buitelaar 0 votes
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Have you allowed all the necessary services to pass through your firewall? I had a similar problem, which was due to a service being blocked by the firewall. You can test this easily by turning your firewall off completely and adding the problem service if this is the issue. Don't forget to turn it back on though :-)

Adam Parsons 0 votes
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Thanks but nothing change, antivirus and firewall were off

Projectsoft 0 votes
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To all those affected with this issue, I ask the following questions:

1) What version of rekordbox are you on?

2) Have you updated the firmware on your CDJs?

3) What network switch / router are you using? Do you also connect to the internet within the ProDJ Link network?

4) Have you disabled (configured) your anti-virus to allow Pioneer traffic? Firewall also?

Gavin 0 votes
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Rekordbox 2.0.2, firmware on cdj's is up to date. I am using a Belkin F4G0800, and firewall is always off on my laptop. This does not happen all the time, and will happen with different files at different times. As stated above, the very same files will work on a usb, but not while using rekordbox. It will take forever to load, then will get the error. I have a separate thread in the rekordbox forum as well. I have this problem, plus while track search the player will lock up as well.

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@kidQuest > If you remove the Belkin switch, do you still get issues?

Gavin 0 votes
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I need the switch in order to link everything... no? I also would not tend to think it is the switch as it is not one specific issue, but rather sporadic.

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I have this problem with one (wav) track it seems. Plays a minute or so then emergency loop.  Was having a nice practice session for a good 30 minutes before this one track threw things off.  I am using a Cisco E2500 with tomato by shibby which I doubt is the culprit but I suppose anything is possible.  I have it running as a wireless ethernet bridge to bring everything (2 CDJ2000-nexus on 1.06 and MBP) onto the rest of my network, and works quite well for the most part.  There is a video I just uploaded that reiterates the above http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-g46NjKP6M 

edinatl . 0 votes
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I have the same problem, but I use a DJM-2000 instead of using a separate router... and it still does not work. I get the same message as you Richard: "E-8302: Cannot Play Track (C630)"

Julien G. 0 votes
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For all those who have the famous error e-8302/8309, it is not a firewall problem or other swith only problem with Rekordbox some mp3 files.

Indeed, some files works without any problems while others do not load, go in loop emergency, etc ...

After multiple tests and analyzes, some attached files in stereo join mode (I use the program to see the mp3 tag information), bad year tag (wrong format) or copyright problem.

Warning converter can not solve everything, Audacity allows me to recreate a new file by deleting some fields (such as copyright)

If Pioneer can contact me to send them to MP3 files for example causing this error restore in the future version of Rekordbox ...

Projectsoft 0 votes
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@Projectsoft, While I agree that it has nothing to do with my firewall/switch, I do not agree that it is a problem with my audio files. It will choose to play, or not play and given track at any given moment.  I can reboot and it will then again either play or not play the same exact track. Due to this, I cannot recreate the problem with specific tracks. I did just update to the latest version of RB, and it fixed absolutely nothing. My cdj's froze on the third song into my set.

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Is everyone this is happening to using the nexus 2000's? Have you ran the mp3s through mp3val a program recommended by pioneer at the very start of the 2000's life. I use cdj 2000s mk1s and have never had any problems after I done this (fixing the tracks if necessary) before importing the tracks to rb

cdjbasile 0 votes
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Yes, they are the Nexus. I do not think it is an mp3 issue, as the same tracks that cause problems, can be played without issue the next time around, and vise verse.

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@cdjbasile> I confirm I got that problem with my new CDJ-2000 Nexus. I never had that problem before with my CDJ-2000 Mk1... What is that mp3val program by the way?

@Projectsoft> I tried playing dozens of different tracks, and none of them worked. So I don't think the problem comes from the mp3 files, nor does it come from Rekordbox. In my opinion, the CDJ-2000 Nexus are the problem.

I am just really disappointed with Pioneer because I feel like they sell you great products, but then after the purchase, the customer service sucks. I know people like Gavin try to answer as much as possible, but it's not working out. There are so many threads that are left unanswered, while some others (like this one) are stagnating, and we have no news from moderators concerning our issue. How long are we going to wait until we get this problem solved? I think for the price we are paying, we deserve better than just a simple forum with very few moderators here to help you out...

Julien G. 0 votes
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@ julien go to the section - other software and have a look at the mp3 tools and more thread, it discusses useful program's in there - tho I see mp3val as a necessity! If it was built into rekordbox I dare say it would help some issues Arguably it should be a sticky on the cdj 2000 section as its v relevant!

cdjbasile 0 votes
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Yesterday we started with analysing and we fixed the problem. 

We first attached another router, cables and used another NIC in my pc with no other results. We installed a clean windows XP virtual image on my PC, installed record box and it worked immidiatly. 

With TCPview from sysinternal we took a look of the ports that were used within Windows when the Pioneer is downloading the track. 

I analysed the ports on the Windows 7 pc and saw that my NFS server (hanewin NFS) was already using the ports. 

I presume that the pioneer uses the NFS protocol to download tracks from record box? After stopping the NFS server everything is working. 

I hope this will help other people.

@ Pulse: Can you publish all the ports that are used by the pioneer / record box.


Richard Buitelaar 1 vote
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