I couldn't agree with this more, well said.
I am a big Pioneer fan and have stayed calm for the most part because i do like the features of the Nexus, but when I can't use these features because of bugs, Then it's a big waste of time and money I put into them.
Some things I have said for a while still stand true
Pioneer NEEDS to beta test their FW before it's released, Get a team together that are willing to take the risk and let them test beta's for some hours and report bugs, I know I would be willing to do this but they haven't asked.
I bet if the engineers were using the decks live the FW updates would be pouring out weekly and they would be 100% by now
Get an engineer team dedicated to your flagship line, It seems theres a very small team and they work on 1 or 2 projects at a time. Perfect example is the new R1, updates have been very minimal on all products because all their time was dumped into a bedroom dj controller while the pro gear sits buggy still. the RB app hasnt been updated in forever why?,, Because they were working on Remotebox which blows away the RB app, thanks for that. Then they come out with a tiny update for the Nexus which seemed like it was just to "hold us over" so we cant complain about lengths between updates. I mean come on, It really took you guys 2 months to come up with an update that ONLY fixes a freeze that "might" occur while in a tag list. If that's really the case and it took 2 months to fix this, then something is not right here. And I never heard anyone complain about this bug yet it gets it's own time consumed on it and an update, meanwhile SO MANY more functions are buggy and we are still waiting for a fix.
kinda similar to 3 but why not give some gear to testers to make Pioneers FW more stable, It drives me absolutely CRAZY when I see a friend of mine getting sent, now up to, 8 Nexus decks, djm2000, djm2000 nexus, rmx1000, djm900 for FREE just because he tours and does some shows with them to show off, If you are able to provide this gear for people just to show off, Doesn't it make sense to send 2 players to a guy like me for free to hammer away on the FW so by the time it is released you are not embarrassed at the amount of issues it has? Stop giving gear away for free to show off when it's buggy gear that can be isolated and fixed if you gave me gear to test on. And i am not saying this for my benefit, i don't care who you use to beta test, it's the idea that needs to happen. MANY people on this forum will agree that I pick and find bugs faster then a lot of people and would be great as a tester being I use these decks (or try to because of the bugs) to their full potential and DJ a lot on them so i find issues fast
there needs to be a way to go back, or get a team that is waiting to fix a new issue fast, if you put out a new FW version, bugs are usually reported pretty quickly within a day r so, the team should not have moved onto the next thing and ignore the Nexus, wait a little bit to see if you need to fix any issues quickly and then move onto the next project, or again, get more engineers in there!
6. MouseAT is 100% right about dj's opinions on these decks, in my opinion for the bid dj's, these decks are a huge fail and maybe that's why time is not dddivcated to them anymore because the dj's don't even want them when they perform. One of the accounts we have is a club that also does private events so when i work there which is a couple of times a month I work with the head sound/lighting guy who is also a friend of mine and he tours with guys like Avicci, Morillo and so on, I bring my Nexus' there each time I play because they still have 1000's (club owner wont spend money on 2000's) and each time we work together he always is shocked I still use them, I asked why and he says it's amazing the amount of riders his company gets that say "DJM-900 and 2 CDJ 2000 (NOT NEXUS DECKS), So i said I totally know why but why are THEY saying they don't want them and their response is "All we hear are bad things about them and they freeze a lot and are very buggy, We are not taking the chance", That's really sad and makes Pioneer look like crap. so the part that pisses me off is it seems like Pioneer knows this, may be giving up a little to work on the next deck to have Laidback Luke show off so it brings them back up to par and they are forgetting about the littler dj's like us that already purchased them and are trying to use them professionally.
The last thing that really kinda pissed me off a little was I walked in to do an hour set for a friend of mine at a gig friday night, He has the 2000MK1 with even older FW, he never updates because he uses serato and they work fine, so he feels no need to update, Even with the old 2000 fw they performed 100 times better then the Nexus decks, the menus were lightning fast, never slowed down on me, the hot cues always loaded smooth without freezing the deck up for 20 seconds, they were a pleasure to work on and now I see why the big guys just want the mk1 and not the Nexus. If I didnt love the scrolling wave, auto load of hot cues and the active loop so much, I would go back to the MK1 but I love those 3 features enough to deal right now. Now if they could just get the iPad app up to par and have it do what it can do for a bedroom dj controller at $800 vs what we spend on a setup, up near $6000, that would be great :)