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Can not update CDJ 2000 NEXUS, stuck on 'Insert USB into top USB slot' screen!!!! HELP.

0) Have you read the "READ ME FIRST" thread in its entirety AND TRIED THE SOLUTIONS THERE before posting:Yes, I swear it!

1) Operating System: OSX 10.6.8

2) OS Type: 64bit

3) rekordbox version: 3.2.1

4) Using LINK: NO

4b) LINK Connection method: N/A

4c) Using with CDJs: CDJ 2000 NEXUS / Ver 1.06

5) Source Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: Mac OS Extended (journaled)

5b) Connection type: USB2.0 /

5c) Does the device have multiple partitions: No

5d) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device: No

5e) With what utility did you format the device: OSX

6) Export Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: FAT32

6b) Connection type:USB2.0

6c) Does the device have multiple partitions: No

6d) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device: No

6e) With what utility did you format the device: OSX

7) Have you scanned your files for errors: Yes

7b) Have you scanned your drive for errors: Yes

8) Is rekordbox crashing at all: No

8a) If crashing, is it resulting in: n/a

8b) If not crashing, are there any error messages: No

9) Are you able to repeat / reproduce the problem: Yes

9a) If yes, can you do it consistently: Yes

10) Does the problem occur with one specific song: No

10a) If yes, please post a link to it:

11) Any other notes regarding your setup only:

12) Provide as much detail of the issue here:

Basically, trying to do a update of my CDJ 2000 NEXUS firmware and when prompted to put the USB with the latest firmware on into the USB slot nothing happens. The screen just says ''Insert USB into top USB slot' and nothing else. I have tried various USB devices, even bought a new USB. Watched every video online there is, spent days on forums looking for solutions. This is far from great, really disappointed and frustrated and desperate for help.

My external HDD works fine on both players, so it's not a problem with either of the players USB slots.

I phoned Pioneer who advised I use Windows to format my USB with the firmware. But, I'm not going out and buying a PC just so I can update my CDJ firmware. I don't know anyone with a PC so I'm stuck. What is causing this.


DJ NO CLUE Answered

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Any kind of an answer would be helpful. I've spent hours reading through threads on this forum looking for anyone with the same issue, found a couple and they had no answer either. This is a very expensive problem I can't afford to have.

............ please please please please please please HELP

DJ NO CLUE 0 votes
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Try opening the disk utility on your Mac and format your USB in FAT32, that is "Windows format". 

The Henrik Maneuver 0 votes
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@No Clue > Check this video - while a bit outdated, the procedure hasn't changed:

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey guys! @The Henrick Maneuver @Pulse

Thank you for the super sharp reply. 

I have watched your video and been through your other videos on your Youtube channel too Pulse. The thing is, I've done all these things. Been on disk utility and formatted to FAT32, even followed your own procedures from your video Pulse, read advice you've given to other people with USB issues. I've spent many days hours on here reading through various threads in my spare time hoping to find a solution. I'm completely fathomed as to what the issue is?  It makes me swear a lot! 

I can use my CDJ's but I'm having issues with collapsed files errors. This has prompted me to do an update hoping it will fix the problem. But looking into that I think I have realised that it might be a problem with some MP3 files having some duplicates in my iTunes music folders? Do you know what causes MP3 files to have duplicate with a '-1' at the end? 

But back to why I can't get my CDJ's to update. I signed up here as a last resort. What else can I do. Maybe Pioneer should let you update via the CD slot on the NEXUS too? I think this would solve a lot of issues! 

DJ NO CLUE 0 votes
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also double check the file on the flash drive is named C2KNXS.UPD and not something like C2KNXS-2.UPD in case you downloaded past updates and they are in the same folder, it will automatically put a number after the name and you may not even realize it

BriChi 0 votes
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@NO CLUE > As @BriChi notes, downloading the same file multiple times to the same folder will get copies named -1, -2, -3, etc. as it adds that numbering to the end.

Pulse 0 votes
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@Pulse - Sure, I understand that. But I'm not actually downloading multiply copies of files to the same folders. Is it possible that change any TAG info in a track in Rekordbox creates a multiple copy in the same folder? That's the only thing I can think is causing this issues, as the other day (7th May) I spent most of the day moving tracks around in Rekordbox into new folders and playlist adding comments and such. Then I correlated some of this info back into track info in iTunes in the comments. Basically fine tuning all the tracks I use when DJing. Now I find some of these tracks wouldn't play when I next played out. I looked into this as soon as I got back, and saw that in my iTunes music folders some tracks had duplicates, created that day 7th May? with _-1 _at the end?

  • I rearranged playlists within Rekordbox.

  • I edited some track info in Rekordbox

  • I edited some info in Itunes

I know I didn't copy any files!? 

_Obviously, _something is causing this issue. I'm running the latest version of Reckordbox, which I coincidently updated on 7th May.


DJ NO CLUE 0 votes
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Do you have iTunes set to manage your files? If so, it's possible that it's moving or managing your files and their locations. This is a generally bad idea because when linking with other applications, the data in those applications (in this case, rekordbox) will be incorrect.

Changing the tag information within rekordbox updates the metadata on the file itself. If iTunes then updates the file / its location, this could be where the problems come from.

Pulse 0 votes
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Did you get this issue sorted mate?

I had the same problem last night when I decided to update my players (only had them a couple of weeks from new).

The issue I had was that the file wasn't unzipped properly before I copied it onto the USB drive. When I unzipped it properly the player updated instantly.


Kenfold 0 votes
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Dear Pioneer, i have the same problem, already try with several flashdisk, old n new, with fat format also. but still canot update firmware, the cdj not read the file/disk. please help to solves this

Fazary 0 votes
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