Need a bit more information - what are you loading, from where, what OS / software / firmware versions... etc.
FollowXdj aero loading tracks
Can anyone tell me why occasionally my aero won't let me load tracks to it says load is locked or something and I don't know how to get round this
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I'm just loading tracks from my windows laptop it can be working perfectly fine one minute then it just says loading tracks is disabled or something to that effect, does it randomly sometimes I've noticed it does it if u let a track finish
The only additional information you provided there was "Windows." How about what version of Windows, whether or not you've configured your firewall / other security / antivirus software properly, which version of rekordbox you're running, firmware on the AERO, etc.
Sorry it's windows 7 I think and I'm using the latest version of record box and the aero has the latest update the fire wall is ok I have avg free antivirus like I say it works most of the time just every now and again it's says on the laptop loading is disabled to this player or something like that