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Pioneer xdj RX hot cues auto load

Dear Pioneer.


I have ordered the new xdj rx.

But does it when you select a song where i put 4 hot cues on in the song will that automaticaly load in the 4 buttons of the xdj rx under the knob of hot cues?

If yes, will it go away automaicaly if you select a other song?

If this is not a feature yet will be nice, only must ofcourse also go away when you go out of the song, you dont get problems that when you have hot cues from the old song and you want to make a new hot cue in the new song that it will go back to the old song. if you know what i mean.

Like on the cdj 2000.

If you have hot cues set. and you go to a other song and you press again on the A B or C it will go back to the previous song.


gr niels

DJ Lionbeat

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Considering it uses the same database as a 2000, and there is an export setting for hot cue autoload (or not) I can't imagine this would not be user-configurable on the RX.  I use this (no-autoload hot cues) feature to jump between tracks, such as substitute breakdowns or remix phrases.  Not all that often, but it is a useful feature that I hope carries over.

What would have been really handy is to allow the setting on a per-track basis in the playlist.  But, I've also asked that all cues be playlist specific, because different sets call for different cues.

pope 0 votes
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you can set auto load of hot cues on a per track basis, its a separate column and you can check to uncheck "HOT CUE"

BriChi 0 votes
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All this time, I thought it was an indicator and never thought to click it!  Thanks BriChi!

pope 0 votes
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@Neils > @BriChi is correct with the AutoLoad function within rekordbox.

@pope > Unfortunately the hot cues on the RX can only be loaded per-track, not from a hot cue bank like the CDJ2000, which means there wouldn't be the ability to load hotcues with a playlist even if that function existed. Sorry!

Pulse 0 votes
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