Drive sleep settings shouldn't be an issue with an SSD as the RX would immediately wake the drive when new data is required.
Very please with the XDJ-RX, really nice piece of kit. Thinking of getting some Samsung T1 SSD's to use with this, anyone tested them yet or if not any good recommendations for SSD that's fast and doesn't have a built in sleep mode? Cheers Darrell
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Drive sleep settings shouldn't be an issue with an SSD as the RX would immediately wake the drive when new data is required.
Cool, thanks sounds like a good option then as they are getting some good reviews albeit a bit pricey!!
I assume no issues with usb 3.0 (backwards compatible usb 2.0) on the XDJ?
Out of interested do pioneer have a preferred list of drives and keys that are factory tested?
USB3.0 should be universally compatible with the USB2.0 ports on all Pioneer products. There is no list of tested devices as there simply are too many out there to test them all! We certainly encourage users to post their findings of what works and what they have problems with.