Official comment

Anyone still following this thread - please test with the latest firmware and if you are still having issues, please start your own question and DO NOT piggy-back on another user's question.
Hello , i've got my XDJ-RX a few Days ago.
Yesterday i noticed some odd problems with some of my Tracks. I dunno if it is more a rekordbox Problem or a XDJ RX Problem. Let me give you a Example:
While mixing i noticed that the beat from some of my tracks suddenly drop totally offbeat. That means the beat of the Track goes out of sync totally. Its like a jumping CD for a short time.
I tried to reproduce the Problem and detect it in the Track itself . It seems that there is a certain spot in the track where it goes offbeat. Alswo while searching via Vinyl Mode through the Track ( Spinning the Jogwheel slowly around that certain Spot. ) i can hear that the track is damaged. The Waveform on this spot also looks a bit curious.
Even with the Sync Funktion the beat goes totally out of sync.
So i thought my track is damaged.
I deleted it from the Rekordbox library. And import it again. Analyzed ----- Same Problem
Tried to play the Track via Link funtion on the XDJ ----- Same Problem
Tried to export it on a USB stick and play ----- Same Problem.
When i Play the Track without the XDJ RX, via Windows Media Player and also on Rekordbox itself ( The In Programm Player). there is no Problem with the Track.
Then i deleted all Files from my USB stick and dragged only the Track on the device. Without any Rekordbox files or analysis.
Put the Stick in the XDJ RX and play the Track -------- NO PROBLEM. The track runs smooth. ( Off course no Waveform because no Rekordbox data)
It seems the rekordbox analysis does something to my Tracks and i only get the Problem when i run the Tracks via the XDJ.
I noticed this Ploblems on other Tracks also.
All Tracks are purchased on Beatport or Amazon Music.
Rekordbox and the XDJ RX runs on newest Firmware.
Next step i will analyzing my Tracks with your suggested programs to look if theres Problems with the Tracks.
Maybe somebody has the same Problem.
Any suggestions ? Its totally Annoying -_-
Anyone still following this thread - please test with the latest firmware and if you are still having issues, please start your own question and DO NOT piggy-back on another user's question.
Post is closed for comments.
I would like to know what happens if you reconvert the track to .wav or .mp3 and analyse with rekordbox.
I guess the Waveform on the specific Spot is changed. Its a clearly ( Hop) in the Track.
My suspicion would be a problem with the file itself - could you post it here for analysis?
As soon as im back at Home i will send you the File. But it is more than just one File with such Problems.
Yesterday i noticed that when Im Playing the "damaged" Track from a Usb Stick , i get the Problem. But When i put back the USB stick into the PC and delete only the Pioneer Folders with the Rekordbox Data on it, and put it back in into the XDJ RX. The Track runs perfect. It seems that there is a Problem with the Rekordbox information Files.
I've tried this on several Tracks with the Problem , and everytime i delete the Rekordbox Data , i can play the Track without the Problem.
I've also analyzed my whole Library with Mp3val. But it says that the files are ok.
Also tried installing Rekordbox on another Pc , - Same Problem.
On both PC's its the actual version from RB.
Also tried another USB Device and the Link Function. Doesnt work either.
I really need Help , in the actuall state my XDJ RX is absolutely useless to me.
Either way, having the file(s) would be of interest in resolving the issue.
here is the file
Any chances to upload the rekordbox data folders from the usb stick for you?
The Problen occurs always between 7 and 9 seconds on this track
I imported it to rekordbox and had no issues with the track or waveform, a scan of the file showed it was clean and okay. I'm passing this along to the engineers for further investigation.
Did you export the track via RB and played it on a cdj rx Or another player? The problem only orrurs while playing it on the xdj. In Rekordbox i also doesnt have any issues .
The song was run through some diagnostic software to check for errors or anomalies on the track itself, either in the audio or metadata -- but it shows as okay. The engineers will try and replicate it as I don't have an RX here yet for testing.
Ok. Thank you for your fast answers and your efforts.
Tomorrow i record a short video for demonstrating the issue. maybe its good for a fast solution
Here are the Videos.
On the first i show the problem on 2 tracks . it occurs on the cue point i've set.
On the second Video i create loops to show how it jumps off beat with no reson.
Alo i uploaded recorded audio file. Directly recorded from the xdj rx.
You'll have to change the privacy on those videos to "linked only."
On those tracks, did you set the memory points as a visual marker? Does it occur there without those markers at those points?
In the second video, it seems to me that the rekordbox grid might be slightly off on one of those tracks, but I'll pass it along for investigation.
The markers are only for visual feedback. Without them its exactly the same.
Even when the rekordbox grid is off, shouldnt it be contantly off ?
Here are 2 Pictures of the Grid in Rekordbox again the Marker only shows where the Problem occurs
Dear Chirstian and Pulse, I encounter a similar issue whit my XDJ-RX, where the beat drops for some reason.
I was recording a set and the it happened so I can send this for analyzing purpose.
By the way it is not the first time it happened but I played this particular set already ones where the issue did not occur on a different XDJ-RX device.
Please let me know where to send the file if you would like to have for analyzing the issue.
Hans D.
You can upload a file via the "attach file " option on the bottom left.
New Infos ,
It seems that all the tracks where the problem occurs have lower bitrates than 320 kbit/s
May this be a problem for Rekordbox or the XDJ ?
Amazon writes on their site that all Mp3's have variable bitrates with a average of 256 kbit/s
Could this be the reason for thr drop offs?
That's a good point ... I hate VBRs and you could try converting them to a CBR to see if the problem persists.
Here is de short version of the WAV file when I recorded.
Strange thing is that I played this set on a different device and the I did not drop the BPM.
Hope this helps analyzing the issue.
Have you tried re-coding the file(s)?
Ok , solution really is converting it into CBR.
Tested varius tracks and it seems to work now. but why Rekordbox and the XDJ has Problems with VBR ?
Because VBR is awful?
Not sure, but we'll certainly ask the engineers to see if there's something specific to the VBR encoding which causes this problem and if it can be improved.
Thanks for helping with the diagnosis here @Christian!
I dont think its awful , its different. :)
From now on i have to convert every File to CBR. Would be really appreciated if th eengineers find a way to prevent this Problem. Less work for us Dj's :)
Thanks Pulse.
I understand the logic behind VBR files (to save space when compression can be higher due to the audio passage), but that was something of importance when drive space was at a premium. Drives are cavernous now and cheap as dirt, so there's no need for VBR encoding any more (except for the providers likely trying to cut overhead on bandwidth for transmission to customers).
If I hear of anything, I'll add it to this post. If you're subscribed, you'll get an email when I gave more details.