@Anders > Sorry to hear of the issue, but could you also describe how the audio is setup? Are you using the CDJs or the DJM as the soundcard for Traktor? Or perhaps an external soundcard like an Audio8?
Are you using the latest version of Traktor?
I got a problem here, i hope that you guys can help me.
"Macbook pro, 2x CDJ2000, DJM2000"
i use the CDJ`s as controllers for traktor by USB.
Last weekend i was rdy to try my new setup, and everything worked as it should.. For the first 3-4 hours.
Then out of nowhere i suddenly lose all my signal (Sound) to the mixer. (Both traktor and the cdj`s are continuing, like nothing happend)
Hope that someone in here got an idea, how to sort this problem :9
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@Anders > Sorry to hear of the issue, but could you also describe how the audio is setup? Are you using the CDJs or the DJM as the soundcard for Traktor? Or perhaps an external soundcard like an Audio8?
Are you using the latest version of Traktor?
Nice quick response *thumbs up*
I am useing both Cdj`s soundcard.
And i did not install the latest traktor update " People are talking about a lot of bugs in the new update"
@Anders > Are you using ASIO4ALL? If so, which version?
No, im running Macbook pro. So i use the midi settings to do a "Cdj 2000 rack"
Ah, duh -- sorry, I did read that in the first post. ;)
Yes, you've done the correct setup for an aggregate device then - which version of Traktor are you running?
He he :D
@Anders > It may well have been the software which dropped the soundcard, hence the "kept playing but no audio". It may have been a fluke, but without testing it again, it's hard to tell. Let us know if it does happen again.
Its happend twice. First time, the audio went back after 30sec - 1 min. But last weekend i had to go for one soundcard (And only one channel on the mixer for both decks)
Hrm, well, given that 2.0.2 is fairly old (2.1.1 is current), that may be your first place to try for a fix.