The software can't send that kind of data; the software's either playing or it's not -- which equates to the light on or off.
Followcdj 900 led mappings
Trying to get the led on "play" and "cue" to flash like in "cd mode".
have been using this guide : BUT i have had no luck.
As far as i can figure out its only possible to get it to work in "on/off" mode, and the "controller range" will only except 0/1 min and 1 Max. Is it at all posible ?
Im useing Traktor 2.1.2 and 2 x cdj 900 (hid) with 4.10 fw
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thats what i thought, but thanks for the reply :)
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Here's a possible solution from DJTT
Flashing LED on a controller that only has on/off states
- Set up the Play/Pause output as normal, but under the modifier conditions, set ‘is in loop’ and 0
- Now create an output for beat phase meter
- Map it to the same LED
- Set the controller range min/max to 0/0.1 (the phase meter range moves up in decimals from 0 to 1)
- Set midi range min/max to 0/127
- Set modifier to ‘is in loop’ and 1
- Uncheck invert and blend
Now when you hit the loop button on that deck, it changes the ‘loop mod’ state to 1 and this output map overrides the play/pause one, making your button flash!
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