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cdj 900 led mappings


Trying to get the led on "play" and "cue" to flash like in "cd mode".

have been using this guide :  http://www.djtechtools.com/2010/05/3...ds-in-traktor/ BUT i have had no luck.

As far as i can figure out its only possible to get it to work in "on/off" mode, and the "controller range" will only except 0/1 min and 1 Max. Is it at all posible ?

Im useing Traktor 2.1.2 and 2 x cdj 900 (hid) with 4.10 fw

knut thune

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The software can't send that kind of data; the software's either playing or it's not -- which equates to the light on or off.

Pulse 0 votes
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Here's a possible solution from DJTT


Flashing LED on a controller that only has on/off states

  1. Set up the Play/Pause output as normal, but under the modifier conditions, set ‘is in loop’ and 0
  2. Now create an output for beat phase meter
  3. Map it to the same LED
  4. Set the controller range min/max to 0/0.1 (the phase meter range moves up in decimals from 0 to 1)
  5. Set midi range min/max to 0/127
  6. Set modifier to ‘is in loop’ and 1
  7. Uncheck invert and blend

Now when you hit the loop button on that deck, it changes the ‘loop mod’ state to 1 and this output map overrides the play/pause one, making your button flash!

Si BooGie 0 votes
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