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[CLOSED] how to record with pioneer djmt1 mixer and sl2

i have a pionner mixer djm t1 and serato sl2 i having a problem recording with audacity can anyone help ,me heres a link on my video i posted on youtube



dj mike

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Mike, I had to stop watching when you got to the part where you had the RCA-to-1/8" adapter connected ... you kept putting your hand over the mic (hard to hear what you were saying) and it was sideways (don't record ANYTHING in portrait mode; turn your smartphone SIDEWAYS to record in landscape mode!).

First and foremost, that jack on the front of the mixer is an INPUT not an output.

Second, the DJM-T1 has a built-in soundcard and you can use it to record back to software via the USB.

Within Audacity, set it to record the inputs from the DDJ-T1 USB5/6.

Pulse 0 votes
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sorry for the recording quality but when i tryed to record again with the setting in audacity chnaged to the inputs of the djm t1 only one channel was recording and u couldnt control any volume or eq on the recording is there any settings i need to adjust??

dj mike 0 votes
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Hang on, just to get things straight - you are using the DJM-T1 to control Serato Scratch (not Traktor, hence the SL box) right?

Gavin 0 votes
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Yes correct im not using traktor im using serato and to record im using audacity but my problem is that im only getting signal from the left channel not right if im trying to record

dj mike 0 votes
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It sounds like you simply haven't configured the recording properly.  Are you using the LAST outputs from the mixer?  Some show up as 5/6, others as 4/5.  If you're only getting one channel, that could be why.

Pulse 0 votes
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What outputs and i change the settings in the pioneer program right where it says mixer outputs

dj mike 0 votes
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In the utility window, on the OUTPUT tab, set 5/6 to REC OUT and change the USB output level to -5dB.

Open Audacity open the preferences.  You'll need to set it to record 6 channels because the REC input is on 5/6.  This gives you 2 things ... first, you'll be recording the inputs from CH1 and CH2 on the mixer separate of the master mix, allowing you the opportunity to "fix" any mistakes in your fades / EQs post-recording.  But the second thing it does is records 6 channels of audio all at once when you may be taxing your computer to do so.

Another option as a work-around is to record directly within SSL - you can set the recorder to grab input audio on the SL box itself, simply run an RCA cable from the master output of the mixer to one of the channel inputs (provided you're not using all of them, or are using CDJs in HID mode which means they're all empty!), then you simply record there instead of running another program.

Pulse 0 votes
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I tryed doing wat u did the first thing u told me to do but when i tryed to record in audacity it just said i had to check the setting again is there a number i can call for help

dj mike 0 votes
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@DJ Mike > Have you tried the second option? What are your computer hardware specs?

Gavin 0 votes
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Gavin; Pulse

There's not alot of talk or help on the issue of recording via USB on the DJM-T1.  The manual seems to lack in this respect also

I sent a pretty detailed help request to Pioneer but only got a copy-pasta reply detailing  recording mixes internally with Traktor.

Similar to this thread i'm trying to use the USB Rec Out to broadcast mixes from Serato (via SSL-1 box) or from Traktor to the internet.  I'd also like to think I can record my vinyl to digital format in this manor.

Is anyone able to point me in the direction of or provide some step-by-step instructions on how to achieve this?

PS.  the DJM-T1 shows up as a recording device in Windows 7 Recording devices; but there's simply no signal being recieved.  Low; 1 channel or otherwise 

DeFiNiTi0N 0 votes
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@Definiti0n > Most drivers don't allow the splitting of audio hardware for multiple software applications.  In other words, if you're using inputs on one application, you can't use the outputs on another.  Some software is capable of "sneaking" onto the audio, but most are not -- you're locked-in to one application.  I'll see if I can create a video for this when I'm back home next week.

Pulse 0 votes
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Cheers for the prompt response Pulse; I'd really appreciate that ;)

DeFiNiTi0N 0 votes
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