@Miguel > Thanks for the information!
Follow[INFO] Serato to Rekordbox: Crates, Cue Points Transfer equation
Ok so ive been using serato for a couple of years now and i have a lot of cue points and info on names that i have saved through the years .
lately i have been playing on events and venues where they have CDJs 2000s
and i have all my music and crates organized on my HD (TB Seagate 3.0)
of course my crates and my folders are completely organized different so conecting my external HD directly to the 2000s i would not only loose my crates organization but my cue points as well.
so after noticing that there was not written solution im pasting this info on where ever i see it needed.
its a looong process but i really like to have quick access to my music and to know i have the same organization in my files that ive had for years...
(note: remember to always backup your data and music files!!! )
1) drink a beer-> you will need it
2)itunes(playlist)->only if you all ready where working with itunes not really needed
3)Serato (Crate)-> locate your crates folder in your computer
4)Traktor SSL Database Importer-> import by crate since the database option will merge all crates.
5)Traktor (Playlist)-> import trakor database to playlist & export to a folder in your computer note: your export needs to be done with files on folder(copy tracks to destination option) where you are saving in order to be picked by next step.
6) RekordBuddy-> Sync Traktor Collection Files (1 for each crate) to Rekordbox Collection File
7) Rekordbox->Bridge Rekordbuddy & send Rekordbox playlist to External HD
8)Replace Old Serato Crates with new Crates linked from Rekordbox.
9)drink another beer.
now i can conect my HD either to Serato and use vinyls anywhere or to a CDJ 2000 and i still have my organization and cues on both sofwares.
hope this helps to someone and im not the only crazy guy doing this.
looking fwd to see some unification between rekordbox and serato.
any questions or problems let me know and like the page!
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I like steps 1 and 9. :D
Great info thanks Miguel
Works, but damn can someone make this app for serato users already? Thanks for the info.
i found some good info in the serato forum on this exact topic as a bro was asking much the same question that this answers... http://serato.com/forum/discussion/1345977
Just did a tutorial on the full process to migrate from Serato to Rekordbox :
Thanks @Spark, good thing I speak French and could understand that. Hopefully the closed-captioning can pick up on all the technical terms. ;)
Thank you, I did the english subtitles myself, so there might be a few errors but I had to start somewhere... ;)