@longsleeper > do you keep any other apps running in the background? Have you tried disabling the WiFi?
In Serato I have buffer size set to 1ms (smallest). But when I do some fast chirps or flares..there is approximately 10 ms delay, which is too much for accurate scratching. Is there any option... some optimization or improvement with this issue ? I expect better response from Pioneer's flagship controller...till nowadays SZ of course
Macbook pro, late 2011,mountain lion
Thank you
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@longsleeper > do you keep any other apps running in the background? Have you tried disabling the WiFi?
No other applications in backgroung, disabled wifi.
My friend, I have the same issue. I have a laptop with an i7 processor with 8gb of ram. It should be able to handle handle whatever the ddj sx and serato throw at it. I have a fresh installation of windows 7 bought from the shop and has been updated with the latest updates. I have also disabled all the windows services and various bits of hardware that very audio tuning websites recommend. I don't have any anti virus running. the only apps I have installed are itunes and serato dj which are the latest versions. My laptop is used for serato only. I still have issues with the response of the jog wheel. In fact after a reboot the response could be a whole lot worse than the last time I had it running. It pretty much has a mind of it's own. I love to play some old skool rap for having fun when I Dj, although I play Electro house on the radio and in clubs. it seems to me that serato and pioneer gear their tuning towards House music. in my opinion thats never going to solve the issues for other genres of music. house is a straight 4/4 beat most of the time so yeah, the timing with sync and whatever is going to be spot on. the some old skool rap rap on and try and scratch in on beat and you can be faced with all sorts of timing problems. and if you needed to use the sync button with rap you have no chance unless you sit there for hours on end adjusting beat grids. I believe no matter how much messing about you do with your laptop you are never going to solve the latency issue, my laptop has had every tweak out there for running serato and ddj sx, but it just don't happen. Maybe if pioneer put some time into releasing a new driver for the sx they might be able to solve the latency issue. My ddj s1 never had any latency problems on the same laptop.
Hi Dave and Longsleeper, did you have try to Disable any Energy Saving Options in the USB driver it self ? (.. in Windows Device MGR - Driver Panel for USB Root HUB )
If its INTEL - make sure you have the latest Drivers installed and did not RUNNING the OEM Drivers equipped with your Windows Installations ore Windows Update.
You can Also Check that your Operating System does not use EnergySavings on the Processor - at INTEL is it Called "Intel Management Engine Interface") Set your Energy Profil to HIGH (and disable the SHUT DOWN of HDD + Disable USB Powersaving + Set CPU Minimum Usage to 100% + Check that WINDOWS IS NOT PARKING your CPU Cores)
Is Bitlocker enabled? EFS ?
Any Other ASIO tools installed ?
I had no Respons Errors on my HP ProBook 4720s running i5 (480m) 8GB ram 500gb HD.
Running SERATO DJ 1.6.1 (Windows 8 Ready)
My Prior Settings on the Pioneer Settup TOOL (where you can set the Velocity of the Pads ... ) for Courency Delay is 5ms (Default is 0 .. and the LEDs in the JOG Wont work)
My ASIO Settings (Puffer = 192) Kernel Buffers (3) Bitrate 16 Bit
The Most problems with Serato are Pore audio File, if something wrong with your MP3s ore AAC what ever - Serato NEEDS CPU power to Correct that Audio Stream - in some cases that could bring an CRACKLING Noise ore Stopping the Sound.
gl. with some of that tips
Hi roBRoy, thanks for the reply. I have pretty much done everything you say on that list already apart from the intel management engine part.How do I go about doing that.
Thanks very much
oh and no other asio tools installed. Like I said it's a fresh instal of windows 7, so even my old ddj s1 driver isn't on there anymore.
the drivers for my usb root hubs are microsoft as are those for my intel core i7-2675qm cpu.
Is this a problem?
Hi guys, you can simply stop the Intel IME service by stopping them in "services.mnc" and setting the start typ to Manual, But Check also your Bios settings.
On PC (not laptops) you have to disable CPU features like Turbo Boost ore something else. All services that can Sqve Entergy had to be disabled.
also Note that your Traks have to be Analyzed by SERATO to reduce the risks of audio dropouts.
To do that - start serato without turning on your controller, in the left upper corner appears a button that says "Analyze" ore something like that... Serato needs a lot of time to find all your Music. To speed that up simple Drag and drop your Music Directory from the explorer to Seratos "All" folder left in the library.
I can take snapshots of that if you don't know what I mean. Leave a replay.
hope that helps'
sincerely :)
Thanks roBRoy for all your help. All my tracks are analyzed. I'm pretty put off by the fact that my laptop is of good spec but I'm still having to do all these tweaks.I hope Serato make a bit more effort with their releases in the future so that software can be a bit more plug and play friendly.
I will try the tweaks you say soon, I'm just not enthused enough to do it at the moment after trying for so long.
My Plesure if it´s helpy for you :)
I use SERATO 1.6.2 on a Workstation with i5 760 @ 2.8ghz 4Gb DDR3 and Windows 8.1
My last settings in my Bios / advanced CPU Features / TurboBoost + vcore adjust to 1.19v CPU multiply x21 works good with Serato.
Since I FIXED my vcore Volltage in my Bios settings, serato runs sooo terrific stable !!!! it Helps a lot, but on the most Laptops your not able to set that with TurboBoost Disabled most laptops stays in Stock frequencies, (intel trys to save energy by lowering the voltage of the CPU and his multiply *eg. your max is x 29 x 133mhz on most i7 models but it stands on x21 *133mhz fsb for example). But that's not what Serato likes, Serato needs a Quiet Running System, that runs more than Stable!
tell me your setup and I´ll can see if something can be bether ^-^
Serato is plug and play friendly but only if you start from scratch :D
a Personal Waring to All LAPTOP users with Hugh Collections,
in Case of Reanalysing your Audiocollection, you can burn down your System will Analyzing.
it took me 2 weeks to analyze 2.5tb of varrious Music and finaly the Motherboard gets Damaged due the Stressing Analyzing stuff.
Now he´s courently in "Service" to get an replacement mainbord, i hope that Austrian guys can handle this.
*note to the Board Admins*
Why can i not edit my own Comments !?!
Thanks RobRoy. I am as I type starting from scratch. My laptop is back to factory settings. Am just getting rid of the bloat ware. I will then apply the tweaks recommended for sdj. I will then install my ddjsx driver. Then I will install iTunes. Lastly I will install latest version of sdj. My laptop is a series 7 i7 samsung with 8gb of ram. Intel core i7-265qm @2.2ghz 2.2ghz . Thanks again for all your help.
Hi Dave, my pleasur if some of the tips are helpy for you.
Note that the i7 with 4 Cores allways the best choice of CPU´s is for Manipulating Sounds in Realtime, but your Windows Installation should be Overloaded with the OEM stuff from Samsung, check if uninstalling all Useless stuff from Samsung (Auto Update Driver Service / ore Play Online Assistens / *OS* Care Services / ore *Security Suits" that are for Free like MC Affee.
I press all thumbs for yours :) good luck
But dont Forget to Check that your Serato Libary is fully analyzed and knows all your Music you wanna Play. Thats a big Point to Keep Serato working Quietly. Serato Analyce your Trakts even they get Loaded in a Slot - to prefent that "Usless" Reanalyzing - you can disable this by simple - Run Serato - Turn off your Controler ... and Deaktivate the field "Set Beat Grid" and "Set Auto BPM" in the Simple Play view.
If your want that Serato Reanalyze your Music while your Play than Aktivate it Again and done. It saves a lot of CPU threatment.
You can also Analyze on how many Dropouts ore Fails in your Audio.
C:\Users>yourUserName\Music\_Serato_ \
Ore wherever your Music Directory is - there should be the _Serato_ Folder.
In that Folder you should find the file DropoutCount.log
That file tells you all "Real" Audio Dropouts Produzed from Serato.
Serato Corrects FAULTY bits eg. with Empty Spaces, sometimes a Faulty Track can Sound like the Serato Enging Glitchs ore your System runs overloaded but nothing happend during the Real EMPTY Sound in the Track :D
It´s my plesure if i´m helpy for you :)