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Broken HDJ-C70 Headband & Frustrated Customer!


I have not been able to reach Support for almost a week. I have called the number three different times and no luck. I called once around 10 AM pacific and waited almost 35 minutes before having to disconnect to get back to work. Another time I called back at 3:30 pacific only to wait another 30 minutes and then be prompted to call back during business hours? Today I call and they are closed for the holidays, which I completely understand, but this still does not help me with my issue.

I purchased these back in April and last week the headband completely snapped! This was frustrating as I have been a long time customer having purchased 4 CDJs, 5 different headphones, a DDJSZ and countless car stereos back in the day. 

The reason for the frustration is I guess is a positive testament to my long time relationship with Pioneer equipment and never having had to use the support team as the gear is built rock solid! BUT these headphones are as brittle as glass having snapped in two when I was attempting to put them on.

I am not disappointed in Pioneer gear as a whole, only these headphones and the lack of support to get this remedied up until this point!

Please let me know what I can do to get this resolved and if they are still under warranty.


Kindest Regards and Loyal Pioneer Patron

N. A. Padilla




Noah A. Padilla

Official comment


@Noah > Sorry to hear about the troubles with the support contact, unfortunately they're a completely separate entity from us here on the forums. Rest assured that they will take care of your headband issue, even if the warranty is up, but they're the ones who will need to arrange the repair / replacement for you so you will have to call them to get that issue addressed.

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Have the same problem. My headphone headband just snapped into 2 pieces when i took it off from my head.

And i have the same problema trying to reach the support ...


What should I do?

Breno Werneck Maximiano 0 votes
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my also broke like a toy, this is definitely not a professional headphone, too weak a headband a shame to pionner it happen. how do I get a new??

Diego Borges 0 votes
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Also have had exactly the same problem with my HDJ - C70 headphones and just got the following very short and unfriendly response from Pioneer Germany 


"Hello Sam,
your headphones are no longer under warranty. we can order the spare parts for you.

the price is 88 Euro plus 6 Euro shipping and tax."


I am around 6 months out of the warranty but cannot believe that Pioneer wouldn't offer more help or support to customers buying premium headphone products. Especially as I have always stored them in a hard case. These headphones broke during normal use and now I am being quoted more than the online price to have a new headband sent to me. 

@Pioneer, you said "Rest assured that they will take care of your headband issue, even if the warranty is up" to N. A. Padilla. Is this the same level of service Pioneer can also offer me?


Thanks a lot in advance. 




Sam Butler 0 votes
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@Sam > I'm sorry to hear that your headphones didn't last as long as they should have, it's not our intention to produce equipment that fails, especially if it's been cared-for.

Please don't take my earlier statement to mean that a replacement headband would be provided for free. "They'll take care of you" doesn't imply it would be covered out of warranty, rather that our support teams would be able to either order the part or provide the website from which it could be ordered.

Pulse 0 votes
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