Wie bei mir, das Update auf 1.05 hat in Sachen E-8302 nichts gebracht.
Just to let everyone know I have updated to the new firmware 1.05 and I still get freezing and more 8203 Errors and file not analyzed than I did before.. Maybe Rekord box is the problem .. who knows but I cant be the test dummy any longer ... I will also note I used this EXACT usb and tracks tonight in a club on THEIR cdj 900s with no issues.. Even the tracks that give me the errors on the XDJ R1 .. I will upload a new video later to show the errors.. actually I might even do a video side by side with the 900s or 2000s just to show Pioneer they work in everything else... and its NOT MY AUDIO FILES!
Cheers best of luck to you that stick it out!!
Sevan Kambel
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Wie bei mir, das Update auf 1.05 hat in Sachen E-8302 nichts gebracht.
After the update to 1.05 my XDJ R1 still freezes too, I can't even play a set longer than 15 minutes .
Frustrating !
Come on Pioneer! Do something!!!! Not our MP3`s are the problem! The problem is the analyzing with the rekord Box!!! The same mp3 without analyzing works well, after analyzing with RB - E-8302! Horror!!!
Don't understand how long this fiasco is going to carry on for ..
Agree, My R1 is freezing as well with the E... error.
I had the constant BEEEPPPP once (restart needed) - terrible.
@ Cezar! Same here! This is the real problem - but i think Pioneer cant find the real Error! It
s always the same song! Try the same song without rekordbox Analyzing - the song works well!
I don't seem to be getting any freeze problems and the auto loops fixed. Had a mix for about 2 hours last night with no problems. But I do still get the odd track with the error 8302.
Does anybody get a problem with the remotebox app?? When I am mixing and I turn the iPhone from portrait to landscape mode it resets the tempo?? Not good if your live.
Thank god for forums or I would have gone balls deep on this unit. What a shame. I was so excited about this. The pioneer video's made this look like the complete package at an affordable price.
It's quite clear pioneer are using customers as beta testers. Shame on you. I am sure you pay James Zabiela a handsome sum of money per year. You should have given him one for a few months. He could have road tested the knobs off the thing.
Well you lost one customer here pioneer. I urge everyone to take their units back. Pioneer might take note then.
Good luck everyone. Hope you either get your money back or faults sorted. Thanks for making it clear you shouldn't be buying this unit !!!!!!!!
I'm just asking a question, how can we use mp3's analyzed with rekordbox while we can't use the soft natively with the xdj R1 ??? I think this limitation is the cause number one of the problems we encounter, and i don't understand the pioneer strategy as all th others control surfaces doesn't encouter this problem.
I'm sad to say Pioneer FW 1.05 just added more problems for me, never had freezing issues before when loading tracks analyzed in Rekordbox, now I have, but when I load the same exact tracks without using RB the tracks load without any problems, and please don't tell me to send the tracks to you for analysis because these tracks worked before with FW 1.04, I was really hoping against hope that you guys would be able to fix the issues with this unit with a FW update but it made it worse for me, maybe it's a hardware issue that Pioneer just doesn't want to admit, from all my experiences with computer hardware and software I have never encountered a FW update making a product worse, only better unless you're Pioneer of course, just really upset that I can't return this unit for a full refund because my retailer doesn't give one only exchanges, had really high hopes for this unit but it seems that you guys have a lot of explaining and re-examining to do, so disappointed.
I do agree = 1.05 introduced more weird behaviour for me too.
Unfortunately another one: when I call for HotCues - sometimes they not right (missing 1-st beat slightly) like
BTW - it would be nice the CALL button to indicate that there are some HOT-CUES. I have overwrite them by mistake two times already .
uuuuu I miss my AERO I've traded over...... it was less PRO but worked. No missed CUEs, no problem to catch the beat, yeah - but there was not HOT-CUES at all.....
I am not sure what is better - having working gear 100% predictable or having well equipped, unpredictable toy with fireworks ....
I am a re-seller of Pioneer equipment and have made contact with many dealers to unite and return there stock of the R1 perhaps Pioneer might then pull there finger out at present not worth considering as a purchase.
I've got to say that I got some E-8302 errors after I was using the R1 for several hours on a party. Luckely I've got some CD's as a back up. When I took out the USB (with the USB Stop Button) and I put it back in the problem was gone for a hour or so. It's with different tracks and looks like its random. I got to say I think its a problem within Rekordbox.
The other thing that happends, which I cannot say about earlier version cause I got my iPad recently, is that remotebox sometimes just stops and needs to reboot. It looks like it freezes or something when you're browsing a lot.
I've got the same problem. I hoped the freezing would stop with update 1.5, but it didn't. The same songs keep freezing, and in my case it's only when I press hot cue A. I tried to delete and re-import one of the songs in Rekordbox and that worked (hot cues didn't freeze), but I haven't tried it with other tracks. Anyhow, it is pretty frustrating to come across yet another track that makes the R1 freeze. At this moment my R1 is not reliable when it comes to DJ'ing at a party.
There are too many issues with the XDJ-R1. It's not a reliable product. After firmware update 1.05 there are still so many issues. I haven't seen any response from Pioneer or from a Pioneer-representer.
Pioneer DJ Products are the industry standard for Professional DJs, but they treat us like amateurs. It's just ironic.
I'm returning my XDJ-R1 this Saterday.
I have some problems with my R1, freez when some traks are loaded, skipping first beat on some songs.
I' wondering if you people uses Mac or Pc, Itunes as a bridge or something else?
Hope Pioneer fixes those problems soon!
Gibt es schon neue Erfahrungen in Sachen E-8302?
Laut deutschen Pioneer Support soll bald eine neue Rekordbox Version raus kommen. Ich denke das Problem E-8302 liegt an der Rekordbox Software beim übertragen und schreiben der Datenbank auf den USB Stick. Weil so spielt der R1 ja alle Songs ab von CD und auch vom Stick wenn man die Songs manuell überträgt.
We will be releasing an update for the R1 very soon which should address the majority of these issues.