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DJM900 nexus with OS EL Capitan

Is there any details on a fix for this yet??? Anyone gone back to Maverick??? It's kind of annoying me new after 4 weeks :(

#10 Magician

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And playing (as long it is via my CDJ) isn't a problem Paul, recording is :) (or should I say :(...)

Tim Huijbers 1 vote
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Same issue here.
hardware good but software support shit.
pioneer pro dj makes me feel not pro at all!

Mos Chen 1 vote
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Same here , but with the DJM 850, I can't use my timecoded vinyl anymore now..

The best and most professional brand still lacks to support the latest version of OXS..

A solution, even beta, would be appreciated

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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Same here, on the DJM-T1.

This leaves me so angry, and it really puts Pioneer in a bad spot. Also, they give no information about fixing it.

Frank Jægtvik 0 votes
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Exactly, at least letting us know whether a fix is coming up at all.

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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Waiting for 4 weeks also. Pretty damn tired of not being able to use my time coded vinyl and not be able to use the mixer with logic ect. Poor show by pioneer for not even giving us any details on how long it will be even.

David Meredith 0 votes
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The 'official answer' is bullshit. A company should make sure their customer service is close to its sales and ops. And next time start testing way before such important os release.

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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@Tim > I'm sorry you feel that way, but most software manufacturers wait until the full and final release of an operating system to begin testing and verification of their drivers and software due to possible changes made to that operating system before its final release.

Pulse 0 votes
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Nope, didn't fix the problem... (installed it, was very hopefull. but no....) damnit. I've got a Maschine Studio too now, and really need the soundcard of my 850, pls Pioneer, we need a soluton

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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I have to admit that I was surprised to find that Native Instruments were on top of this with their beta drivers before Pioneer even announced the possibility of a beta.

To be fair, they are cranking out some great products at the moment, so I can imagine they are busy, but right now I am starting at my A&H DB4 mixer and thinking it's time to unplug the DJM900 and 850s I use (yes I have 4 mixers, I know....)

Paul Muller 0 votes
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NI released updated driver, soundflower updated fine, pioneer still waiting...

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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Now now Sebastien, cursing will only get you escorted from the building.

Pulse 0 votes
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We are now nearly 30+ days after the final version was released, and very close to the second hotfix for the OS. All of my other manufacturers have released software and drivers in beta or final form by now.

Everyone except for Pioneer... :(

Drew J. Como 0 votes
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"the engineering teams are madly trying to find the source of a problem, develop the solution, create a working update, test it, then make sure nothing else broke along the way"

This is the answer that Pulse forum head always is linking to.

So are the pioneer engineers that bad in their job ? Or dont pioneer have enough people working on the problem ?

Frank Jægtvik 0 votes
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Possibly the only sensible thing you have posted in this forum pulse.

Good job!

Frank Jægtvik 0 votes
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users? We are customers of pioneer product. And your sarcastic answers actually does not put pioneer in a better spotlight.

Frank Jægtvik 0 votes
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I`m glad i took a screenshot of your sarcastic troll answer before you deleted it. Im going to write a complain letter to pioneer with that screenshot.

Frank Jægtvik 0 votes
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Please address all complaints of a humorous nature to:

British Airways
Plc. Waterside PO Box 365
Harmondsworth UB7 0GB
United Kingdom

Pulse 0 votes
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Oh, and in case you're wondering about the validity of screenshots, I just took one as well:

Pulse 0 votes
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let's be nice to each other folks, i just wanna play music

Paul Muller 0 votes
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@tim, I wish your point wasn't so well made (in my case I want to use it with Traktor, Serato and/or Rekordbox DVS but alas no.... so the DJM goes back into storage and out comes the A&H Xone:DB4 which i have to admit I forgot how much I love, it's just having to hack Traktor that's a PITA)

Paul Muller 0 votes
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(warning - soapbox moment :-) Now for something more serious. Do we think that vendors that build software into their products understand that all that both Microsoft and Apple are moving to a model of continuous, near-mandatory operating system pushes partly as a result of their move to an Agile/DevOps model and their mutual customers?

With all of that I want to make an observation - the primary channel for distribution of the OS X betas is the Apple Developer Program (I know this because I subscribe to it). The primary reason they pre-release operating systems to developers early is to enable them to understand and react to architectural, API and behavioural changes (such as the new security models in 10.10 and 10.11). The operating system itself is generally architecturally stable 4+ weeks prior to gold master and certainly stable enough to have developed candidate release of beta drivers.
Also having a background in PR, the one think I know for sure is going dark with no more than "it's broken, we know it, but stop asking us for information" is almost guaranteed to generate a backlash - the fact that people care enough to ask is the very best signal a vendor can have that people are passionate and communicating progress - even if it's "bloody hell this looks like a total rewrite and could take weeks" is better than nothing).

Paul Muller 0 votes
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@Paul > I know it, you know it, but unfortunately that's not how Pioneer operates. They only opened themselves up to allowing beta versions of their own software not too long ago, never mind developing functional drivers on pre-release operating systems.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks @Pulse for truth-telling, it's a rare commodity. To be fair A&H is half-pregnant with this too - especially struggling to support a well managed beta program and at one stage timely driver releases (they've gotten a little better). I wonder if there's a business opportunity there.....

Paul Muller 0 votes
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So is link mode also not working after upgrading to el capitan?

David Meredith 0 votes
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