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XLR from DJM 500

Hi Guys

I hope you can help. I just bought two powered speakers. A picture is here http://img.kytary.com/velky/na/634871433670000000/2685ef13/45903192.jpg

My question is how to get both of these running form the DJM500. Do I just buy two XLR M-F cables and run one to teh input of one and one to the other or is there more to it than that? I hope I havent screwed up and I would sincerely appreciate anyones (quick!) help!!


Alan White

Official comment


The DJM-500 is unique in that it has reverse hot-cold pins on the master XLR outputs. This was because the DJM-500 was made at a time when Pioneer was selling amplifiers and speakers (from their karaoke days) which featured reverse hot-cold pins on their inputs.

If you want to use any powered speakers, you will need to open the connector on ONE END of the cable swap the hot and cold wires.

Here's the DJM-500 output:

Here's a standard XLR cable:

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