Any Help?
I am recording a mix using my cdj 2000 nexus' and djm 900 nexus. I am using audacity to record. Same set up I've used hundreds of times and all the sudden when I listen to the recording there are a few audio glitches that I didn't do in the mix. it was just a quick glitch. Changed usb cable from mixer to computer and the same thing happened. It's completely random and sometimes it's once, sometimes it's 8 times. Any Ideas on what may be going on?
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Any Help?
I'm having a very similar issue, having a hard time trouble shooting this is the closest situation to the issue I'm having. I've used my dim 900 nexus to record into audacity countless times. Without changing any setting on the mixer or audacity, my recordings are glitched out. Wavform look like and sound like square tones. The sample rates and everything else are where they should be. I would also like to know what's going on.
We'd need to know what your computer hardware is and what the settings are on the mixer and within the software to start troubleshooting.
I feel really silly, but after a ton of trouble shooting, I solved my problem by restarting the computer.
lol - glad to hear it's resolved! If it happens again, try the ol' reboot first but if it doesn't go away, visit us again and we'll try to assist. :)
Mine is not resolved and I have shut down many times. Again, I've done the mix on the same computer with the same set up for 1.5 years with no issues like this. I even hooked it up to my other pc and got random glitches. I am using a windows pc with windows 8, the newest version of Audacity and just using the usb out on the mixer to my usb on my pc. I have also tried all the usbs on my pc and same issue. I really am concerned its in the mixer, no other issues with this pc like this and it's used for djing and karaoke when I'm not using it by my girlfriend with no issues as well. Any help is appreciated. As far as mixer settings, I am set up the same way I always have been, i think my level is -10 db setting and the rest is record out of channel 1 and 2 that im playing on.
@Jeremy > Have you tried adjusting the latency / buffer up one notch? When audio glitches occur, the first thing you should try is increasing the buffer size. It should be set to the lowest value where no glitches occur, and that number varies from computer to computer.
I have not tried that and will try it. I know I have it set the same and I'm sure it's at the default. What setting would you recommend? Thanks for your help. Will try omorrow when I have the pc. Thank you.
The setting should be as low as possible without glitches. If your system can handle 1ms, select that. But if you're finding pops or clicks, move it up a notch. Still hear glitching? Move it up another notch.
Ok, will try it, thanks for your time and help man, I will let you know how it turns out. Have a great day.
My problem came back. Thinking it may be a problem w the sound card I installed the DJM software on another computer and recordings were ok. Returning to my main comp, I reinstalled software and rebooted and I'm no longer having any issues. May want to try this method especially if out of nowhere your usual recording method stops working. Good luck
It worked when I deleted the driver and downloaded again.