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disappointing driver managemant by pioneer(djm900nxs on OS X 10.11.1)

It's been almost 2 years since pioneer released a driver for the djm900nxs.
OS X 10.11.1 el capitan was available for many months in beta and is released now for over a month. Yet Pioneer did not feel their existing customers important enough to release the driver. You will always find out how good a company really is on how they treat their existing customers. Besides the djm900nxs is in the stores and selling as one of their flaship mixers, so it should at least get a driver updated for a major operating system. Please priorize!
best regards


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Shame on Pioneer, i was quietly waiting since the 1st beta released in june, hoping that pioneer will fix everything until official release, now it'll be almost 2 months after official release and still no drivers.. dissapointed

Žiga Hacin 0 votes
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While I certainly share and understand your frustration, I can assess from your response that you may not know the extent of the relationship between beta testing a full-fledged operating system (in this case, OSX) and a 3rd party company creating driver suited for said operating system. Allow me to explain as someone who has been on both sides.

Throughout Beta testing, whether it be for software, firmware, etc. there are going to be changes both big and small. Some elements of the code could be completely removed, rewritten, etc. With all the possible (and most likely probably) changes, it's safe to say that a Beta version of OSX may end up being completely different from the Gold (aka Final) build.

That said, let's put this into context. If I'm Pioneer (or other 3rd party company) and have spent lots of time & money creating a driver based on a Beta release, what happens three weeks later when a NEW Beta build of the OS is released and the driver that I spent precious time/money creating is now obsolete due to the changes in the updated build? Chances are I would have to start all over creating. In other words, it's a waste of time, money and effort to create a driver based on a Beta build of an OS because a Beta is nothing more than a working version of something that is destined to undergo changes–to what extent is an unknown variable.

This doesn't just apply to Pioneer; Look at any major hardware, software, etc. developer and you'll notice the same problems. A company can only do so much in the time given once the Gold version of the OS is publicly released. They're also at the mercy of anyone else who opts to adopt the first public release of an new OS.

Having worked as a DJ + music producer + audio engineer for many years, I can tell you that best practice is, and always will be, to hold off on updating to a new operating system for atleast 4 months after is has been released. Personally, I wait about 6 months and will only upgrade if it means a well-documented performance boost or resolves a problem the old OS presented. And if you're so inclined as to become an early adopter or a shiny new OS, due yourself a favor and check all of the companies who's products you own BEFORE you update to the OS to ensure ahead of time there will not be any issues. If a company says to wait, you probably should.

lostnthesound 0 votes
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Thanks @lostnthesound, I feel that accurately details the delays users are experiencing here.

And @Valentino > If drivers are working properly and no fixes / new features are needed, why would there be a need to update them?

Your patience is appreciated while we wait for the engineers to release the OS X 10.11 drivers.

Pulse 0 votes
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@pulse: no need to update them if they work correct. thats exactly what I'm talking about. when its obvious there will be issues, and we dont need to be psychics to see that coming, and there is a proper beta program in place I expect to be worked on. when there is a new os release coming with access to virtualy everybody I expect to be worked on a. statements like we wait until final release to eventualy do something are just not fair for the paying customers. pioneer is a big enough company to employ and pay enough software engineers and treat them well.

Valentino 0 votes
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@Valentino > They're doing exactly that; working to create the updates for the new OS.

Pulse 0 votes
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don't care about excuses, I care about a solution for such a high level brand for DJ's.. Too bad I'm not a high well known DJ, either I just skipped to some new gear..

The only USP of buying the more expensive 850 was because of the great audio-in and out to support my timecode setup. I couldn't use this for weeks now...thanks..

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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@Tim > I would appreciate if you would please stop visiting every thread regarding the Pioneer drivers and posting your negative comments. It does not improve the situation or deliver a quicker resolution by doing so.

Pulse 0 votes
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It does improve the attention this big bug should have! If you at least could communicate this to higher management and people that (should be... ) are working on it. Why don't just put some engineers @ work at let them fix this asap.. I've been screaming about at least sending me some beta stuff, but for now my whole timecode setup isn't working because of a stupid driver that fails of my 1400$ device!

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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@Tim > I appreciate that you are frustrated, but the engineers ARE working on this and do recognize the importance of completing it as timely as possible.

Pulse 0 votes
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ok, I'll quit the discussion, but this ain't the way to treat customers who buy such high level equipment as you can imagine.

Tim Huijbers 0 votes
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@Tim > What, telling them that it's being worked on and that their patience is appreciated?

Pulse 0 votes
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An ETA, even a rough one, would be wonderful. Asking for patience only goes so far...

Kabren Levinson 0 votes
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