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Improve S9 midi mapping

It would be nice if the browse knobs could be mapped independent. So we can map them to load songs to the corresponding side when pushed. This would also help so the load button could be mapped to do something that would not be a big deal if hit accidentally being that it is so close to the loop button.

Eric Lehy

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MIDI in general is really bad at the moment.

I had to delete all xml files from the Serato folders, because my custom mappings for the Dicer made the S9 act weird.

Also remapping the S9 is still bad at the moment.
You guys should provide an editor software like Native Instruments does, so that MIDI notes can be changed.

And of course all buttons, knobs and faders of this mixer should be mapable, not only the userpages of the big pads.
I'm not using the Serato FX anymore, since the mixer FX seem to be working fine for me, so the six buttons on the right could become my syncbuttons or anything else.
But currently those can't be remapped.

Of course "allow hardware remapping" is selected in the Serato DJ setup.

Grizu 1 vote
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No reason that the push down of these knobs shouldn't be independent MIDI channels. Also no reason that the 1/2x/2x shouldn't be able to toggle through preset loops and the loop (4 bar) button toggle them.

Billy Muff 1 vote
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Slicer is completely unusable with the current midimapping of the mixer.
Slicer should allways only be active on one selected deck, everything else **** up every set when you want to the manuell loop modus for the slicer.

Grizu 0 votes
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+1000 on being able to midi the the whole mixer, would be great to midi the scroll knobs as load tacks as well..

Clint DjClint Ancell 0 votes
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Free The Midi. Make everything mappable.

Better yet come out with some kind of editing software so the midi is not hard wired to be a certain note.

AdamDoubleyou 0 votes
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