Official comment

It's here! Thanks for your patience, the DJM-900NXS drivers for Mac OS X 10.11 are now available.
Be sure you're using at least 10.11.1!
Hi is there any inclination on when an updated driver will be released??????? This is crazy, absolute nightmare now having to try revert back to Yosemite, can't do nothing with this mixer now!
It's here! Thanks for your patience, the DJM-900NXS drivers for Mac OS X 10.11 are now available.
Be sure you're using at least 10.11.1!
Post is closed for comments.
Well since the 900 SRT drivers were released I am guessing the nexus drivers are right around the corner.
No - those should be just around the corner.
Sorry, but we don't have any ETA or other information available at this time. Your patience is appreciated.
any updates??
it's been one month that I expect this update ... !!!! When...?? A delay please....????
Surely this must be ready now.. :(
I've been running into major issues with mine, my macbook retina and Traktor, and thats on 10.9
Lets hope its all fixed finally
djm 2000 nexus with osx 10.11.1 not working; hoping for an update really soon. Kindly regards
so this djm 900 srt driver can be use with Djm900nexus?
any updates?? please
read more here:
Literally just paid for the DVS upgrade to Serato. Am I reading this right? No support for the 900 Nexus in El Capitan right now? :(