Have a feature request or suggestion? Post your idea here!


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My XDJ-RX wish list.

for what its worth....

#1 - I wish the waveforms would shrink & expand relative to the pitch % (just like in Serato, Virtual DJ etc. does with controllers)

#2 - when the track is Not playing and you press a cue point I wish it would not start playing! ( just like Serato etc. with controllers... Even Rekordbox does this...)

#3 - Proper controller support (LED feedback etc.)

#4 - Support for libraries over 10,000 tracks

#5 - Loop shift! anyone who has used loop shifting with Serato could tell ya its a beautiful feature!

Anthony Howard

Official comment


#1 - Again, won't be happening, sorry. The processing required for a non-sync waveform stretch is not possible in the RX.

#2 - It behaves this way because the CDJs operate in the same manner and Pioneer is maintaining consistency across hardware units.

#3 - The RX is not an HID device, as such there will be no support for LED illumination through software. The RX was not designed with the unit intended to be used as a controller (even though it features MIDI output).

#4 - This is a limitation at this level of product due to the database size and memory / processing capacity.

#5 - I'm not sure if this is possible or with an update, but would be nice to see.

#6 - Is on its way in an upcoming firmware upgrade. I promise!

#7 - Sorry, this is not possible due to the audio bus architecture.

#8 - Longer than 8 bar? That's 32 beats already!

#9 - The zoom levels are as zoomed + and - as they can go, sorry.

Your feedback is appreciated and noted, the engineers are always looking to make improvements or address problems and complaints.

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I've brought up #1 before, and a very confident rep for Pioneer told me "it's impossible."

I've emailed Pioneer about the Lock Playing Deck feature more than 15 times, posted on all of their social media channels, and requested it here. We're many months since release, and they still have not deemed it a feature important enough to release in an update. I can't express enough how frustrating it has been waiting for this feature, which at this point, may never be added.

Chris Van Horn 1 vote
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Ya I saw the "impossible" post before..... I think impossible was probably a bad word to use.. It's not impossible. but anyway hopefully they will one day do it. Load lock HAS to be added for sure though!!

Anthony Howard 1 vote
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I'd really like the >> and << buttons to have the option to skip fwd/back at least one measure (ideally 8 or configurable measures) on a short press, or normal behavior on a long press. Do it on Nexus, too, while yer at it...;)

And #1. Damn this thing... Waveforms are pretty much useless otherwise.

You can have load lock so long as I can turn it off. I kill tracks by loading the next one (bad habit, I know, but it saves me a step when flipping through tracks).

pope 1 vote
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Pope: Yup. I've also made an extensive EXTENSIVE argument against the current behavior of the << and >> buttons. There is absolutely no harm in adjusting them to be beatjump buttons, or at least creating the option, but Pioneer thinks otherwise. Just another example of Pioneer refusing to listen to the community, even when the suggestion has valid no counter-argument. It's truly very sad.

Chris Van Horn 1 vote
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I need Lock Playing Deck as a matter of urgency!! I killed the vibe at a perfectly awesome party by loading a track on the wrong deck by mistake. I got boo'd at.

Chris Zotos 0 votes
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#8: Auto Loop higher than 8 Bar.
#9: More zoom on the wave form.

DJ Stuart-J 0 votes
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I like #9!

#8 you know that you can press an auto loop pad then double it with the loop buttons on top.... it's a little annoying that when you press the extend button it restarts the loop, but it does make the loop bigger. :)

Anthony Howard 0 votes
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Think I failed to enumerate what we'll call #10: Short click of >> or << skips some even number of beats or measures. Long press slews as normal.

Example: Let's say it's 8 measures; a short click of >> will jump exactly 32 beats ahead. Find that phrase or drop really quick! (basically what I used needle search pad for on the nexus decks)

pope 0 votes
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#10 - Again, to maintain consistency with existing products, this feature is not likely to change.

Pulse 0 votes
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Would be good to have keyboard option. Track search is a pain.
10,000 track capacity is acceptable but many have larger collections

robintungate 0 votes
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Suggestions are great, it's post like this that can influence the final product with Pioneer DJ!!!!

Jay -1 votes
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