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XDJ-RX Some Tracks Out of Sync


I was mixing yesterday with the sync enabled. However, some of the tracks were not in sync, even with the sync button on both decks lit. 

I checked on Rekordbox showing 2 players and played both tracks at the same time. They were in perfect sync. But they were not on the controller.

What is the problem??

Martin Cape

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If someone could help me with this i'd appreciate it. I'm running firmware 1.80. Most tracks are in sync on the controller, but all of them are in sync within Rekordbox, just tried it again with turning quantize on/off, swapping masters around but nothing. Still off beat on the controller but in perfect sync in Rekordbox, it's annoying considering how much these controllers cost.

Martin Cape 0 votes
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Either your beat grids are off...you can manually adjust them in export

mode, or you need to have one set to master and the other on sync.  

You should not have sync lit on both decks, just one.  I had issues like this 

in the beginning, but after learning how the software works, it seems

that adjusting the best grids solves all these issues.  

Rick Cortez 0 votes
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Thanks for the reply pal. The beat grids are perfect pal. They play perfectly in sync through the Rekordbox player with 2 players selected. The problem comes when I try to sync the 2 through the controller. 

I'll try the sync button combination you suggested. I done a 25 track set the other day and sync was lit on both decks all the time, only the master changed. 22 out of the 25 tracks were in sync perfectly. 2 weren't, even with perfect grids. 

I think I have a couple options if your sync button theory doesn't work. I could upgrade firmware to 2.10 and try. Or try re-encoding the suspect MP3. Could be something in there cussing an error with the controller. Would a dynamic analysis of the grid make any difference also you think?

Martin Cape 0 votes
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I've solved the problem.

It turns out it is a Rekordbox Sync problem.

What seems to be happening, is, that any track where I've had to manually adjust the beat grid within Rekordbox, the software is transferring the new cue points I've set after adjusting, but with the un-adjusted wave form. Hope that makes sense. No idea why.

The way I've solved it is to re-encode the offending mp3's, deleted the original mp3 (till the exclamation mark shows in rekordbox), put the new re-encoded file back into the original folder, loaded them into the player, deleted the cue points, adjusted the grid then re-assigned new cue points.

Works perfectly on the XDJ now.

Seems to be a sync to usb issue for some reason.

If anyone has a simpler way of doing what Ive just done, please tell lol. As I've had to manually adjust quite a few grids.

Martin Cape 0 votes
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@Martin > Once the the tracks were exported to your USB drive, if you make any changes to those files inside rekordbox, you need to export them again for those changes to appear on the files on the USB drive.

Mark Gallo 0 votes
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How do I do that pal? Basically once I make changes within rekordbox, all I do is insert the usb with the files on and use the sync function. I assumed that would sync all changes etc in rekordbox onto the usb?

Martin Cape 0 votes
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On the XDJRX you can change/alter/add/delete stuff you've done

 in the software.  So when you do accidentally, or purposely make

changes or additions it will be reflected in the usb.  So you can write 

to that usb through the software or hardware.

Rick Cortez 0 votes
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Hi guys. 

The only way I can get the adjusted grids from manually adjusted songs to play correctly is by doing the long winded method I wrote above. 

After adjusting them I've tried export to usb of the playlist and the individual song but it doesn't work. It's just reading the grid that isn't in sync. Unless I do the above, I can't get it to work. 

Martin Cape 0 votes
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Right guys,

I am pulling my hair out with this.

Every track is in perfect sync within Rekordbox. I deleted all the tracks from the USB, then re-EXPORTED every track (Which are in sync with perfect grids) back onto the USB.

Loaded the USB into the XDJ, loaded 2 tracks onto each deck, one of them had the beat grid manually adjusted, played one, then the other, low and behold, they WERE NOT in sync.

What is going on???????

Martin Cape 0 votes
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Are you practicing or checking the mix in Rekordbox 

performance mode before you export and mix on the 

XDJRX?  I usually double check my mixes that way before

i export the playlists to my usb.

Rick Cortez 0 votes
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Thank you for replying. I appreciate it pal. 

I'll explain a bit more. 

I added all my mp3's into Rekordbox about a week before I got my XDJ. once added, I went through every one, aligning the waveform to the grid (had to do a few manually) then adding my cue points. Once all done I set up playlists then added everything to the USB via Rekordbox. 

So, every track I've added (213 of them) are all in sync and aligned perfect with the beat grid within Rekordbox. 

I've checked a lot of them within Rekordbox by showing 2 players then adding 2 tracks to them, when I play them using the sync buttons, they are perfectly aligned and in sync. 

However, once I load the USB into the controller and use the sync feature, some of the tracks, nearly every one I had to manually adjust to the grid, plays out of sync. To me, it seems like Rekordbox is sending the MP3 file with the cue points, but not the updated and adjusted beat grid. 

Only way I can solve this is to go through every track on my USB with sync on and play them on the controller. When one of them is out of sync, I go through what I wrote above. Then it works. I don't know whether it's a Rekordbox problem, the controller issue or something I'm doing. But I don't see how I can possibly get it wrong. 

Martin Cape 0 votes
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Hello, I have the same problem.

What is the solution? Thanks

Battaglia Giuseppe 0 votes
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