Good news -- the web team has already fixed the driver link!
So I recently bought an NXS2 setup (both the CDJ2000NXS2s and the DJM900NXS2). One of the things that brought me to the NXS2 (to replace my Xone:4D mixer) is that the DJM900 mixer has historically been, out of the box, a great soundcard companion as well as a mixer.
This doesn't appear the case with the NXS2 variant. I don't know if it's just because it's too new or because Pioneer is trying to pull something with regards to forcing their software on users. I came from Traktor and to be honest, I really like the effects in Traktor as well as the ability to have a "live deck" where I can route audio right through traktor and utilize the effects without having to have traktor hijack my CDJs and turn them into controllers in order to get audio out.
I'm not sure how useful this mixer is to me without being able to use it like a soundcard like all the other mixers I've had since 2010 (and I've had several). Thing is, as of right now, Rekordbox DJ doesn't even allow you to use the inputs from the mixer (inputs meaning the ability to pass the signal of an item hooked to one of the mixer's inputs through the soundcard and into the software drivers so that applications can pull the audio in). I can't imagine it would be expected behavior to provide such a powerful set of hardware and have the drivers be the weak point.
I see all the other drivers are open source. I'm able to write/read C++/ObjectiveC and I wouldn't mind checking through the latest drivers to see if I can't figure out why the soundcard inputs only seem to work when rekordbox is loaded. I'm assuming there's some sort of information exchange that becomes available when rekordbox is started which is picked up by the driver to allow the stream of audio to flow (or perhaps audio is being ignored when the rekordbox isn't open?) It definitely appears the driver's engine is starting without rekordbox being loaded because I am able to output audio through the driver from third psrty applications and out through the mixer's USB outputs with no problem.
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Good news -- the web team has already fixed the driver link!
It looks like the source code for the new drivers is not published on the site with the source code for all the other drivers (it's returning a 404). The site is at [1]
[1] https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/support/open-source-code-distribution/apsl-source-code/
@Corey > The drivers certainly are capable of supporting input with other audio applications. Which operating system are you running?
Oh I know the drivers are physically capable of streaming into/out of different applications- it appears to me that the constraint of only working when rekordbox dj is activated and open is the only thing stopping the drivers from working properly.
I was originally on Yosemite using the 1.0.0 version of the audio drivers. I have since updated to El Capitan hoping the 2.0.0 drivers may have fixed the issue- but to no avail.
@Corey > They should certainly be available for use without having rekordbox operational; I'll see if I can get an engineer to shed some light on this as I'm still awaiting my test unit.
You are awesome! Thanks! I'm assuming problems like this may just be the price I pay for early adoption. I was in the market for an upgraded setup and I figured why not buy the "just-released-after-NAMM" products. I'm cool waiting for a fix, I just like it when there's a channel to know that there IS in fact a fix.
Also- since the link appears to be dead for the source code, do you have a way you might be able to send that to my email? I am still interested in looking @ the NXS2 driver code to see if I can isolate the issue.
The engineers are investigating the issue, hopefully we'll have an answer soon.
As for the source-code link, the web dev team has been notified to correct that.
The MIDI output appears to work on the mixer as well but Traktor doesn't appear to be picking up the clock messages. The manual says the clock messages should be getting sent out of the mixer even if the MIDI OUTPUT button isn't active on the mixer.
I'm assuming the two issues aren't related, but I need both the soundcard input feature & the midi clock feature in order to realistically use this.
I only got time to take quick glance through the source code. Nothing stands out at me right away as a "Wait until Rekordbox is running before the input stream will activate" problem. I do notice there is a way to set certain sound card stream parameters (like volume, mute, etc...) that most applications most likely don't set directly (but rather they modify the stream themselves after pulling audio from it). One of those parameters is volume and another is whether or not one of the channels should be muted. The user-facing driver software itself does not give control over these parameters and the CoreAudio driver has these parameters grayed out (in the MacOS window to view the soundcard drivers available on the system).
I'm wondering if Rekordbox DJ is doing something like inadvertently muting the soundcard channel when the application is closed- perhaps as a safety mechanism to stop the audio in the soundcard when it is closed. The only reason I'd be inclined to believe this may not be the case is that Rekordbox DJ seems to stop the input from flowing through the audio stream in the soundcard even when I've selected a different soundcard altogether. Somehow, rekordbox DJ is being hardcoded to do something any Pioneer soundcards that seem to be plugged in.
That's only an assumption based on my 5 minutes looking @ the C++ code but I think it's a possibility for sure.
While the drivers may be provided as open-source, we don't have the technical information you're seeking available for you. As noted, the engineers are investigating your complaint and will hopefully provide more detail soon.
I'll be honest. This bug/feature is rather frustrating. I've got 16 days left of this rekordbox free trial and after that time runes out, I will not be able to use the soundcard inputs. Can you have something done in the meantime like extend the trial? I really don't want to use any sort of DJ/DVS software- I just want to be able to play my tracks through traktor.
Sorry, the trial is a one-shot deal and we can't extend it or re-authorize it on the licensing server.
Can I get an update on when this is going to be fixed?
@Corey > There is currently no timetable for when this will be resolved. Hopefully we can provide you with an update soon. Thank you for your patience.
So I think through discussing with the engineers and a bit of playing around with it, I've got an answer for you.
What you're looking to do -- route audio from a player, into a channel on the mixer, then send that audio into Traktor, then back to the mixer and out, IS possible with current firmware / drivers.
Here's how I did it:
- CDJ connected to CH1 input
- CH1 input selector set to LINE (or DIGITAL)
- CH1 assigned to CF-A
- DJM-900NXS2 Setting Utility Outputs configured for each output to send POST CHANNEL FADER (except 9/10, which is the REC MIX)
- Traktor Deck A configured for LIVE INPUT
- Traktor INPUT ROUTING configured for inputs 0 and 1 to DECK A
- Traktor OUTPUT ROUTING configured for outputs 2 and 3 from DECK A- CH1's fader is open with signal on the channel; audio is received in Traktor
- The crossfader on the DJM is full right; the CH1 audio is NOT heard
- CH2 input selector set to USB-A
- CH2's fader is open with signal is returned from Traktor
This allows you to use the FX within Traktor, but be aware that you MUST have the CH1 set to a crossfader in order for the channel fader to be open, as this is the only way signal will be received by the audio interface, but not heard as raw input.
(I understand this is just a work-around and I know why you want to go the other route, but in the meantime at least you can still do what you need through Traktor!)
This is good. However, this limits me to only being able to have 2 physical decks set up right?
That being said- I don't mind it if it's just a temporary workaround. Do you know if the real fix has actually been on a backlog and prioritized to be fixed at some point? I understand it may take awhile but it would be nice to at least know that they plan to do something about it.
Thanks again! I do appreciate the workaround. I would have never though of doing this.
This is just a workaround until such time as all inputs would be made available, but just so we're clear, the timecode inputs weren't ever really intended to be used as an insert loop for software, it's just cool that they could be used as such.
If I understand your workaround, I can only use 2 channels and I completely lose the use of the Cross fader. I also disagree with the soundcard not being intended to be used for its inputs. Works fine in rekordbox and I'm still convinced that something has been hard coded to work properly when rekordbox DJ is loaded. The inputs for any other software do not work until rekordbox DJ, a piece of software that costs money, is open. The user manual describes that the soundcard inputs on the mixer can be configured by setting the proper channels of the mixer to USB and putting the software driver on line in (or digital in my case) for those channels. That, to me, very much so means that the mixer was designed to be used as an input no matter what I'm using the inputs for. If this were not the case, I wouldn't have expected to see it in the manual and also wouldn't have expected to see the mixer be referred to as a "soundcard"
So i have the same problem with my mixer djm 900 nxs2 i want to use steinberg nuendo with this usb sound card i have no sound to input and output. My idea is very good to use post production software with this dj mixer it is perfectly sound recording studio system but no sound another software is mixvibes cross it has a sound but only outputs no signal of inputs. another problem is in the windows audio conficuration it show >Line djm-900nxs2 ready< but no sound when i select default of this device so is a problem of the mixer hardware or software drivers thats is may question that we need to wait to an update or just is no possible to fix this problem thank you
These changes will be coming in a future update, but we don't have a timeline for this release.
Features update of what? drivers for windows , firmware or directly djm 900 nxs3 I want to use my post production software and i bought this powerfull mixer for 2299 euro like i think that i can use this for more options i dont want to buy another sound card for this software that i use also nuendo is like cubase of steinberg. This is shame for Pioneer
@Rumen > Driver update.
Ok this is good reponse thanks. Tell me pioneer toraiz sp 16 is also sound card? bacause if this is it will be great for the outputs
Sorry, I don't have that information available at this time.
its working man its working but rekordbox must be open always in dvs perfomance mode and the software like nuendo must be 32bit version not working in 64bit i dont know this but excuse me for last post. They must to fix 2 problems first to open the inputs without opening the rekordbox and turn on a sound in 64bit softwares that uses asio drivers. In the moment this soundcard of djm 900nxs2 fully work with 32bit software aplications when rekordbox is open. Opening rekordbox dj dvs is like a license key for this soundcard. More question in rekordbox dj : Where is a button that switch external line in and normal player? i cant see this this option is not in dvs mode i think thank you.
There will be an update to the driver later to allow full input/output from the mixer.
I don't understand "Where is a button that switch external line in and normal player?"
like a mixvibes cross it has an switch button that switch normal software player A to line in A that play signal from an external player. Where is this switch in rekordbox?
And how i can turn of midi from the mixer
@Rumen > You do that on the hardware; simply turn the knob to play from another source.
You can turn of the MIDI by pressing the MIDI ON/OFF button at the top left. :p