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Rekordbox - possibilty to store the grids/cues/loops/etc into the audio files metadata

This would be a really helpful Feature for a future release.

storing metadata like grids/cues/Loops outside the Audio file generates a single Point of failure - the database. in case of rb the specific metadata are stored in multiple Folders with dependencies - that's from IT view a quite dangerous Scenario.

if the metadata is stored into the tags one can prepare and analyze on different machines and Transfer them easy to the main/dj Workstation maybe with just rebuilding the waveform new (like it is handled in Traktor).

serato has till now the best mechanism to store metadata, they store simply all, including the stripe into the tag area of the Audio file - a well proven method for years now.

would be so great so store at least the grid/cue/Loop data into the file especially with the great Feature of flexible grids it makes big sense to store this data directly into the file a "safe" place for the hard work of flexible gridding :-) writing this data into the tag area is no rocket science.

maybe an idea for future Releases?

Daniel Ventura

Official comment


Sorry, there is no "universal standard" for this kind of data and writing to the audio files only causes potential problems for compatibility with other applications and runs the risk of being misread or overwritten. Plus, not all audio file types support metadata the same way, so it would be next to impossible to provide consistency for all music files.

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+ 1 !!!

The time has come to provide users an UNIVERSAL FORMAT for this type of information (grids, cues, loops, flips, tags ...) store in the audio files metadata !

Arnin 3 votes
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Pioneer, thank you for your quick reply.


What a Pity :-(


Kind regards.

Arnin 0 votes
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since this is still a very important point:

don't know what's so hard to write some data in the headers of supported formats... all other vendors are doing this without problems since the beginning of laptop based djing.

serato even writes the whole stripe into the metadata area of a file (since day one) there was never a problem with it.

cues,grids,loops,etc are only few bytes to add (timemarkers nothing more)

another idea would be to let rb read/import the other vendors information for example Traktor or serato grids/cues/loops like rbuddy does.

since moste DJs have their grids/etc set in other softwares over the years and want to switch to rb this would be a massive push forward and it is quite easy to implement to let rb handle/import (serato,traktor,etc) grid information from the files to its library.

Daniel Ventura 1 vote
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...even if there is no universal format/workflow to write informations in the meta area of a supported audio file..there is plenty of space for every vendor to write his own tags into it :-)

Daniel Ventura 1 vote
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Ok, there is no universal standard for this kind of data.

Create one! Who else then Pioneer can do it?

Gerd Bauersfeld 3 votes
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Yes it's time ! Only the best could do that ! You must be the first to shoot.

Arnin 0 votes
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Defining some universal standards (w multi value [whereas the separator [be it a comma, semicolon; etc] should be freely user definable...]) for what has become standards for the users, yet have not been implemented in 10+ years by neither of the Digital DJ market players properly... i,e, key, genre, rating, tags, mood, etc!

Or better yet, on top of the above, give us a (live value mapping (to other fields, i.e. INITIALKEY [from Flacs from Traktor]/ TKEY [mp3 from Serato] to a universal Key field for example) as well as value conversions [although this can be done with modern media players fairly easily, so this is a nice-to-have...]) mapping tool to interpret our existing values we had to come up with in the meantime...!



Christoph 0 votes
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So do I understand correctly by saying that RB doesn't write a single data in the ID3 tags ?  Is this still relevant?

marvHELL 0 votes
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@marVELL RB RB does write to the ID3 tag/metadata. More info

What it doesn't do is write loops, cue and beatgrid info to the file like Serato does. 

Ves 0 votes
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