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My Nexus 2000 usb port stop working HELP! PLZ!

Hi today i was setting up my CDJS and i noticed one of them was not reading my usb but everything else works perfect can anyone help me please what should i do? i contact pioneer they just told me to send it and that it could cost a lot but after buying this set up i can barely afford more money.

Crystal May Ceballos Answered

Official comment


If the same USB drive works in another CDJ, then in all likelihood it is that USB port that has failed.

You can always link between the good player and the bad player to continue using it without repairing it.

Should you decide to have it serviced, please contact technical support in your region to locate a repair shop near you.

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Anybody found a fix your self? i cant find anybody with this problem i have too!!! plz~!!

Crystal May Ceballos 0 votes
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@Crystal > Per my answer above, if the port doesn't work with ANY USB device, then the problem is the port itself and you'll need to have the CDJ serviced.

Pulse 0 votes
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