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[rekordbox] import history infinite loading stuck at start


So due to some reason, I can't use rekordbox anymore. When I plug my usb drive, there s two popup , one for importing history , another about bookmarks due but clicking on the buttons does nothing.

Check this screenshot :


Any suggestions? I have the latest version of rekordbox on latest mac os (el capitan) 

Nico Elek Answered

Official comment


I've been informed this will be addressed in the next rekordbox update, but for now, the work-around is:

From Preferences->CDJ&Devices->Device
In History, disable “Import the play history automatically”.

If you insert a USB device to a computer after changing this setting, only the message if you want to sync My Tag will be shown. Please select “Sync With My Tag”.

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fixed by plugin the usb drive on another PC computer and deleting histories from the drive. 

Nico Elek 0 votes
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I have found a temporary solution. Pioneer needs to listen up. There's a pdb file that gets overloaded around 512mb. The only solution for this is to use an older pdb file that's lower than 512mb.

They need to make an update that allows a pdb file reset in the flashdrive. See if this works and follow my instruction inside the download link. You need to have winrar installed to open the file. It's free, just google winrar.


~Dan Snow

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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@Dan > Thanks for that note - I'll pass this along to our rekordbox team to investigate for a fix.

Pulse 0 votes
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I want credit for creating the temporary solution LOL JK!


~Dan Snow

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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Hey, all credit to you for finding that it happens when the file exceeds 512MB... if that's the cause. ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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lol - well, I'm not the one testing it, and that certainly could be one condition under which it fails, but I know a couple of other users have had the issue with relatively small databases where that file shouldn't exceed 512MB.

Pulse 0 votes
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I'm going to assume the pdb file grows since the file in the Dropbox link is 488kb and since I added more tacks it's at 528kb. It's not locking up on me but I do have the older file that did lock on me if you would like to that. I work in IT so I can kinda connect the dots on certain things. Sorry for the error, I meant "kb" not "mb."


~Dan Snow

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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Thanks for that correction - I was going to say, that's pretty big. ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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I got this problem! please tell me how is fix this...................

Ruslan Gaevik 0 votes
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Our rekordbox team is currently investigating, the problem with @Daniel's work-around is that you could potentially damage the ability to sync with the USB drive if you remove or modify the export database.

Pulse 0 votes
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I tried it on a friend's usb, it seemed to work and will try It out on the deck in a bit. It doesn't seem damage or corrupt it rather may not be recognized. To easily toggle this, rename the pdb file in the rekordbox folder within the flash drive to with a 1 at the end of the name but before .pdb. Than use a brand new flash drive with no rekordbox, import a few tracks, copy and paste the pdb file in the new flash drive into the previously stored flash drive. If that doesn't work, delete the new pdb file and remove the 1 off the old pdb. Then it'll return back to normal with the "importing history" issue.

Just an fyi I am using a 128Gb stick. Has I think 54 gigs of music so far and all aiff tracks.

Note: If you don't know what you're doing please don't try this. I'm not responsible for what you do with your flash drive. All my music is backed up and I recommend you do that same.

I reformatted my flash drive, placed all the music back in as if they were new, rekordbox had to re-analyze them, and once I reached the all my tracks all over again, the issue returned. When I did my quick fix, it worked again. Haven't had the issue since I first brought the temp solution to this forum.



Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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>>Note: If you don't know what you're doing please don't try this. I'm not responsible for what you do with your flash drive. All my music is backed up and I recommend you do that same.

Which is exactly why I don't recommend anyone do it. ;)

Pulse 0 votes
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We'll I gotta have a disclaimer lol. Any job openings? LOL

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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Hey, what make / model / capacity USB drives are you guys using when this error occurs?

Pulse 0 votes
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It did it to me again. I used my quick fix and it returned back to normal.

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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Does the new 4.2 update have the fix in it?

~Dan Snow

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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Not 100% sure - in the release notes it says:

-Freezed when sync of History and My Tag simultaneously conducted

That could be it, but then some fixes are listed as:

-Improved stability and fixed other minor issues


Pulse 0 votes
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Sorry terrible joke but really glad it's fixed.


Thank you for you help and quality customer service. Definitely put the nerves of many people at ease. 


~Dan Snow

Daniel Nieves 0 votes
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