Are the tracks variable bitrate?
I recently purchased an XDJ-RX and for some reason the bpm fluctuates, it's so annoying! I am on vers 1.80 and rekordbox 3 (still running original OSX). I had an aero before and this NEVER happened. I know it's the software. I have the best grids set correctly. Goes out of sync even with the sync button on. I have the master tempo on as well. I have read lots of complaints about this so I know I'm not the only one. Is pioneer going to ever address this issue?
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Are the tracks variable bitrate?
Yes some tracks are.
i got the same problem and the bitrate from dek1 to dek2 are similar
very sad :(
Is pioneer going to address this issue ever? Too many people having the same issue. Even having the sync button on the tracks goes off BPM. So frustrating!
@Miguel > In which case your beatgrid may not be accurate.
I've used the XDJ-RX myself for DJing more than enough hours to know if there's a problem with my songs or the hardware, and I have yet to experience the problems you guys are reporting and complaining about.
The beatgrid on the tracks is set correctly. I've also noticed that when you have the sync button on both decks, when you hit play, it doesn't even sync correctly. Even that doesn't work correctly.
Do you have quantize enabled when trying to "sync" both decks when pressing play?
No I don't. Should I have it on?
If you want it to "snap" to the grid, yes. But be aware, there is a known issue where if you have the value set to 1 beat and you miss the beat marker and start the track late, it won't quantize in reverse - it will start at the NEXT beat, no matter how little after that beat it was.
I will try that. My biggest concern is the tracks going of beat when let's say I have a track at 140 and the other at 138. I lower the bpm on the 140 track to 138 to be the same but when I beat match it it will go off sync every 10 secs or so. Again this is with the beatgrid set correctly. I also have the master tempo set on both decs as well. The only time it stays in sync are when both tracks are the same bpm.
So I tried with sync and quantize on and the bpm still goes out of sync!! No matter how, everything and every way goes out of sync. This software should be checked by the pioneer engineers as I'm not the only one having these issues. I have no fun mixing with this unit. Spent 1500.00 on this, thinking of returning it. I NEVER had this issue with dj AERO.
@Pulse : Hi there! Today I also noticed that when I use sync on both decks the track's are not in sync.All my track have the grid's set correctly and locked.I've exported the same track's to 2 usb - one 64 Gb sandisk ultrafit and second 32 Gb sandisk (both of them 3.0) - and the sync issue/bug is the same.My quantize is ON.if I hit play with the sync On should be in sync with the beatgrid of the other track, but it isn't,the grid is way off and I must adjust by ear the tracks and even so the Bpm is drifting after a few second's.If the track have the same Bpm the sync works fine.It look like xdj rx see the original track Bmp and leave it at the original Bpm even if the sync is On.The strange thing is that i've tested the same tracks that I've played on usb on rekordbox dj without any issue's at all.Before this 2.10 firmware update everything worked fine.Or may be is a bug when exporting/sync-ing the track's to usb???Sorry for my english.
EDIT! Today I re-analyzed my tracks in normal mode just in case (and a question if I reanalyze my track's I'm gonne to loose the beatgrid setting which I made earlier ???) but the same bug.I also noticed that if I want to set a auto-loop on the track that I want to use to mix with the other even with the sync On is out of sync and won't "snap" the beat grid of the other track.If I start the track without auto-loop and with the sync On everything looks and sound fine.Another "bug" i've noticed that the hot cue pad's led not lighting even if all my track's have hot cue/memory cue set.Before the update when I loaded the track's on my deck's the hot cue led's worked fine.What might be the problem??? In rekordbox dj everything work's fine.
Getting really frustrated with this rekordbox software. It sucks! I never had any of these issues with dj aero which was a much cheaper unit. My friend has virtual dj and never had these issues. This has been going on for a long time and pioneer is aware of it and not doing anything to fix it. Please forward this to your engineers
I've had it with this garbage software!! As much as I love the unit, I'm going to return it. I am tired of not being able to mix even with the sync button and quantize on!! This should not be happening with a $1500.00 unit!! I hate rekordbox!
Guess pioneer doesn't care about unsatisfied customers as they wont reply anymore. Great service!! Done with pioneer and I'm returning the unit. Not worth 1500 that I worked hard for.
@Miguel > Nobody's responded as we don't currently have any additional information to provide you at the moment. Are you expecting us to say "Thanks for waiting, we appreciate your patience" every few days just so you know we're thinking about you? I wish I had more information, but the truth is not everyone is having this problem, and I guarantee you the hardware is not the issue.
Pioneer Xdj-Rx (Ver. 2.10) sync bug.In this video u can see that xdj rx won't snap to beat grid even if the sync is on, if I set a auto-loop. If I play the track without auto-loop it doesn't mater if I'm not starting on the first beat it will snap to the beat grid.In rekordbox dj (Ver. 4.1.2) everything work's fine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn_1tPtCzQQ
@Hairless > Should I point out that the decks were not in SYNC mode?
@Pulse : Both of them where with the sync on.See the part of the video where is rekordbox dj.
That's not on:
The BPM is off by 1.
Also, what is your device setting for that USB drive:
@Pulse : In the begining I saw that is not on but from 0:36 it is on.This are my setting's
@pulse-sorry I was venting my frustration out. I have the same issues as hairless even with songs at the same bpm. I have my tracks done on beatgrid with sync and quantize on. It's even worse when the tracks are not the same bpm.
@pulse-here's a video of mine doing the same issues. It's hard to get both tracks in sync even with the sync on. Only time there isn't any issues is when both tracks are the exact same bpm.
I never had this issue with xdj-aero and I have friends with cdjs that it doesn't happen to either. Only this unit is having these issues. I've read multiple threads of people having the same issues that own both this unit and cdjs.
Here's another video from tonight when I was mixing. Both tracks at 140, sync button on and beat grid set correctly. Now that I think about it, this issue wasn't present when I bought it with I believe 1.60. This all started from version 1.80 and I'm now at 2.10 with the same issues. I've read numerous threads on this forum with other owners having the same issue after the updates. Please forward and show this video to your engineers so they can see what is going on.
@Pulse :Any news about our "bug's"? It's something wrong with our xdj rx/rekordbox setting's or there is a issue with xdj rx 2.10 firmware?
This all started with ver 1.80 and forward. Not being able to mix properly is so frustrating. Bpm goes off beat no matter what
@Pulse Hi, I'm new to this controller and use as a standalone (no laptop). I've had a couple of issues to do with sync - possibly related to cheap USB sticks which I'll check, but just in case... you mentioned in one of your responses that you play for hours and don't have any issues. I get issues with sync quite regularly. Can you share what settings you use in Rekordbox (for example you mention the quantize beat value) and on this deck that you find is so robust?
Second related question - I notice that when I crossfade between decksm, the 'Master' switches with it which is fine - but the 'Sync' button stays lit on the new master deck. Reading through your responses above that is how it should stay. But I find if I try to sync to a deck that has BOTH the sync and master lights lit, the function goes completely nuts, or at least doesn't work at all. (I don't know if that makes sense. Basically, I have to have master lit on one and sync on the other - never sync on both).
I've always used CDJ's and matched by ear, but more and more in the higher energy gigs I play / younger audiences there's more expectation of quite intricate looping / mixing (almost like one long mashup) that you just can't do by ear, you have to leave a loop running on one deck and assume it will stay in sync while yo're adding effects etc, so to move with the times I'm trying to get my head around looping / syncing. Right now Im not confident to use the sync function on this deck in a live gig or broadcast.
Thanks in advance for your help - BT