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Fader Start DJM 900 nxs 2 (fader start update???????

Hi Pulse,

I know this has been mentioned in previous posts..BUT do you know if pioneer will eventually add a fader start function in the mixers setup menu?

Excellent mixer but this is my only issue with it. 



Anton Mitchell Not planned

Official comment


The engineering team has confirmed that there are no plans to add fader start to the DJM-900NXS2.

Mark Gallo
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@Marc > Sorry you are unhappy about this but the fact that we removed fader start was not a secret.  The buttons are clearly no longer on the faceplate.  In our extensive research during the planning of this product we found that the general consensus from the DJ community was that fader start was not an essential feature. Thus, it was not included.  


In regards to the price increase, I will simply list some of the new features that ARE included in this product that were not included in its predecessor.

  • 96/24 digital inputs and output 
  • Vastly improved sound quality
  • 2 sound cards
  • Clip display
  • Improved EQ curves
  • Improved channel fader curves
  • New Sound Color FX
  • Sound Color FX Parameter knob
  • New Beat FX
  • Beat FX indicator on each channel
  • Increased XPAD size
  • FX Frequency selection buttons
  • Independent Send/Return
  • Industry-first Digital Send/Return
  • Dual headphone outputs
  • Phono inputs on every channel
Mark Gallo 1 vote
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I'm not Pulse, but I will open a ticket and ask the engineering team if this possible and/or planned.  I will also email the product planning team about this.  My first thought is that since it was intentionally removed, there is no current plan to bring it back.  But that doesn't mean it's not possible.  If it is possible and enough people request it, they may consider adding it via firmware update.

Mark Gallo 0 votes
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Thanks alot much appriciated i look forward to hearing the feedback

Anton Mitchell 0 votes
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I need also faderstart on my new DJM-900NXS2 mixer!!!!

We pay much more money for DJM-900NXS2 mixer then for DJM-900NXS and now pioneer remove faderstart on this mixer :-((((.

Marc L 0 votes
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If there are no plans to add faderstart on the mixer, maybe pioneer can pay some money back, because they delete faderstart, but they rise the price of this new mixer. :-(((((

Marc L 0 votes
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Thats a shame im guessing we will have to wait till the djm nxs3 arrives for this to be added again. I have a feeling that there are still quite a few DJ's out there that would like fader start on the djm nxs2 oh well!!

Question, It is possible to still hook up the djm 900 nxs to the new cdj 2000 nxs 2's right? As this seems the only resolve for now.



Anton Mitchell 0 votes
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I agree fader start is always useful in certain situations, seems like a step back in functionality.  I would like the engineers to consider adding this feature in a future firmware update.  

DJ NVASION 0 votes
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yeah, i think too that faderstart would be nice to have in a future firmware update.

Urs Gerger 0 votes
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I just bought this unit and very disappointed when they removed this function. Hopefully Pioneer will release a new firmware to add it back soon.

KOO MORRIS 0 votes
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As stated in February...

"The engineering team has confirmed that there are no plans to add fader start to the DJM-900NXS2."

Mark Gallo -1 votes
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