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@harry > Sorry, this is Pioneer DJ's forums, you're looking for Pioneer Electronics support.
I've got the VSX-520 amp and I get my HD signal via antenna. Recently my dog stepped on the remote and the sound went away . I ended up unplugging EVERYTHING and resetting the Receiver. I want to start very simply and build adding my other components (Roku2, Wii, Blueray etc)
I ran the HDMI out cable from the TV to the HDMI In on the amp in the HDMI1 slot. I set the source to HDMI1 and it simply blinks the HDMI on the receiver like there's no HDMI input.
I then thought well the receiver/amp is blown but I discovered I can do the speaker test where the static sound travels from the L speaker to the Center speaker to the R speaker.
Is the no sound because of the connect I chose? Can I not run theHDMI out to the HDMI In for over the air digital signals?
PS if there is a better forum area to ask this question let me know and I'll repost there.
@harry > Sorry, this is Pioneer DJ's forums, you're looking for Pioneer Electronics support.
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