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Back up library function on Rekordbox

May sound like a silly question, but what exactly does this do.

I wanted to back up my entire collection which had been analyzed after several days, onto another hard drive.

Assuming that this back up library function would do that I clicked on it but it doesn't give me the option to select the drive where I want to back it up to so I clicked cancel.

I then highlighted all my tracks, right clicked and click on export. Now it looks like its sending all my analysed tracks to my second hard drive which is a powered drive in fat 32 format, so I'm hoping im gonna get the benefit of also being able to use it as a usb drive on the xdj rx also.

Question still remains tho, what is the back up library function for and should I be using this now anyway in case I loose some on the data that has already been analysed. I think I remember clicking on it not that long ago and it was also giving me a message that it may take a long time to create the back up, so I am assuming that it backs up data and also the actual tracks somewhere?

Declan McKeown

Official comment


If you selected all your files and clicked export, you've just prepared that device for use with a player (CDJ or XDJ).

If you actually want to back-up your rekordbox library AND all the music, click File > Library > Backup Library. You will be prompted that it will take a while, click OK. The next pop-up window you'll see will ask you if you want to backup your music as well:

Click Yes, then you'll be prompted with a browser window asking you to select the location (and rename it if you want).

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Yeah it's working fine as a usb hard drive on my xdj rx although some tracks show the waveform and some don't.

So In short, I would've been best backing up the library to this drive, and keeping the drive as fat 32 so I can use it as directly on the xdj

Declan McKeown 0 votes
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Im currently trying to back up my rekordbox data by File > Library > Backup Library... however when i try to select 'Backup Library' it won't let me click it and the text is grey. My hard drive is plugged in. Any advice on whats going wrong here?





AylaDJ 0 votes
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I didn't know I had to click 'collection view' to be able to back up, Im now able to select 'Backup Library'. Once Ive done that, its asking me where I would like to back up my collection. I assume that would be my hard drive?

I just tried to back up my collection to my hard drive and it starts preparing the back up, then a box appress with 'Failed to back up the collection'. Any idea why this is going wrong?


AylaDJ 0 votes
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@Ayla > There are two steps - one is the database, then it also asks if you want to back up the music as well.

If it fails, there are a number of reasons - check to see if there is a log file created in your user's Documents folder.

Pulse 0 votes
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Ok. I did manage to start the backup but then my computer froze at %64. My MacBook is starting to run very slowly now that I’m starting to think I may not be able to back it all up. If it’s not going to back up I may have to uninstall and reinstall the operating system which means I will lose the left over data that wasn’t transferred to my hard drive. If I still have all memory points etc on my dj usb, is the only way to get that data back by manually transferring it again? If I still have all my playlists backed up on iTunes then it should transfer onto the new rekordbox after I have installed the new operating system? Is that correct? Sorry for all the questions but I’m just trying to figure out the best way to do this with losing the least amount of rekordbox data as possible... thanks for your help so far.

AylaDJ 0 votes
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I’ve tried backing up a few extra times again and for some reason it always stops and freezes at %64. I might see if I can get another hard drive to back it up, and see if that changes anything. Do you have any suggestions as to what might be going wrong?

AylaDJ 0 votes
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Are you backing up the library including the Music files? If yes - are you maybe running out of space on the harddrive you are backing up to?
You may try to backup without including the Music files and see if that works.

Frank Richter 0 votes
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Yeah I just tried doing it without backing up the music files as well and it still stops at 64%. I have no idea why..... is there a way to check how much space my rekordbox data will take up?

AylaDJ 0 votes
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@Ayla > It shouldn't be that much, the database itself isn't monstrous. I'll ask you to please file an inquiry ticket here and our rekordbox support team will be able to gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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You certainly could mirror / clone the drive, but there may be other quirks related to the drive name / drive letter if you're not careful.

Pulse 0 votes
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When i try to restore a save of my library, i receive a message about dont having enought space on my device, about 700mb. But my pen drive as well my HD from pc have a lot of free space, so i dont know what device is rekordbox talking about and i dont know what to do

fabio hutner 0 votes
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The recommended method is to use the Backup / Restore procedure, but depending on what you're trying to accomplish, the Move technique may be beneficial.

Pulse 0 votes
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Revisiting this. I’m preparing to do a clean install. I plan to use the same username. My music is backed up (iTunes music folder) - I did a super long rekordbuddy process the last time I clean installed. Which took over a week of 24 hour processing. I’m hoping to avoid that this time around. I’m backing up the collection / library via the standard method. Is there anything else I should look out for, be aware of so that this all goes smoothly?

Dominic Carter 0 votes
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@Dominic > If you use Library > Backup Library and either use that process to copy all your music, or you back it all up another way, when you restore using Library > Restore, you'll be fine.

Pulse 0 votes
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Great to hear... and the sync information will be retained on the usb sticks so they won’t be starting over?

Dominic Carter 0 votes
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They'll recognize that they're syncing with the same database, so no issues.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey guys, I'm actually having a similar problem right now as I'm trying to move my old computer's library into the a new one. I tried buying the Dropbox feature and the RB 6.0.1 creative plan to do it all through the cloud, but it's not working as it should. The information regarding all my folders and track names were synced up pretty well honestly, but the audio files are mostly not there.

What I tried to do instead was to do a backup of my entire collection and upload it into my new computer, but when I went to look at the outcome of this backup, I noticed the audio files all come with this weird code with them, like so:0FF2772C_&ME - The Rapture Pt.II (Original.aiff or 0B934EF5_aaaron - tales of creation (origin.aiff. Notice that they don't even come with the correct full title, which would be with (Original Mix) in the end.


Question: What are these codes and how do I get rid of them while doint the backup?

I just want to have my full library on this new computer, so please help me since I've been strugling with this for the past week already.

Diofi 0 votes
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@Diofi > Did you extract the backup or did you use the restore function?

Pulse 0 votes
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When u backup ur library on record box does it backup playlist and hotcues

Ahmed Masri 0 votes
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Hi There

Just to clarify.. I have a folder on My external which is called Rekordbox music..All My rekordbox collection is there on a 1tb Drive

I now ran out of space so buying a 2tb to transfer on to this 

So the same procedure then.. Back up Library?  I have 3500 Tracks

Is there a way where I can just copy the Rekordbox music folder to my other Drive manually would thatr be quicker and still have the playlists?



DAve 0 votes
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@DAve > Try using a cloning software to mirror the drive contents, then make sure it has either the same name (Mac) or the same drive letter (PC) and rekordbox will be none the wiser! No relocation required.

Pulse 0 votes
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