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No waveforms for some tracks on XDJ-RX

Most of my tracks are prety fine and work well, waveforms displayed as it should.

But some tracks dont display the waveforms no matter what I do.

loaded into Rekordbox -> analyzed -> export to USB again and again....nothing.

Even when I set HOT CUEs he dont display them on the XDJ-RX. (And ofc they dont work too)

Track bought on Beatport.

Pls help.


Dan Record

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When you play the tracks within Rekordbox they do show the waveforms and hot cues correct?

Jay 0 votes
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The USB is formatted to FAT32, and are you getting any error messages on the tracks that don't show a waveform?

Jay 0 votes
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Also are the tracks longer than 15/16 minutes that aren't showing the waveform?  There could be a RAM issue with song length and waveforms.


Jay 0 votes
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Yes, USB is formated to FAT32 (otherwise nothing would work ;) ) and no error message.

track lenght is about 5-7 minutes

If this helps you: The "small" waveform on the bottom of the display load while its playing.
But sadly not the HOT Cues what I've set into rekordbox.

Here a picture how this looks like:


You see it reload the small waveform, but dont pre-load it as he should.

He dont preload the HOT Cues too and theres no big waveform in the middle of the screen.

Dan Record 0 votes
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that happens on xdj1000 aswell, if the songs are really long (for mixes, recorded sets etc. - more than 30mins)

Žiga Hacin 0 votes
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The track in the picture is not a long track, 5 minutes or so. Doesn't look like the ram limit issue.




Teles 0 votes
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@Bryan > Is it consistent with that same track? For example, if you were to copy the source file to your desktop and try to import it from there, after it's added to the USB drive, does that copy then also not show the large waveform?

Pulse 0 votes
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@ Pulse: This worked for me. Now the same source display the waveforms.

Is there a reason why?

Dan Record 0 votes
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Formating the USB and recopy the tracks onto the USB stick solved the problem for me.

Ofc u have to export the playlist again @ recordbox, this can take a while when u own many tracks.

But now it works perfect.....all waveforms and HOT Cues where they should be. ;)

Dan Record 0 votes
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Hey Dan


Can you explain to me what exactly you did with your usb drive, but a bit easier?

My native language is french, and I have a hard time following this conversation but it seems to be the answer to my problem!!

Thanks a lot!!

Kevin Durusu 0 votes
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Hey Kevin,

I simply format the USB Stick (must be FAT 32) and copied the tracks again to the USB.

Ofc take care that you have a backup of your music collection. 😉

Than I made again the playlists at Rekordbox as usual and exported them to USB.

Dan Record 0 votes
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I'm just gonna revive this thread, as I had a similar issue. I also have an XDJ-RX2 where it would show some tracks and not others. Turns out it had something to do with the encoding of the mp3 files I were trying to play. I noticed that the bit rate for some tracks were weird values in Windows explorer for some songs, i.e. 317 kbps or 295 kbps, as these were most likely encoded as variable bit rate mp3s (also shown as VBR in rekordbox in the bit rate tab). These VBR songs did load properly, but did not show the big waveform on the XDJ-RX2. So I used WavePad to load the songs as they were and then save them as constant bit rate (CBR) 320 kbps mp3 files. Then tried again - still the same result. Also tried re-analyzing and reloading tags but with the same result as well. Then I deleted the songs that were bad from my rekordbox collection (without relocating the songs in Windows Explorer) and just imported them again. Then the big waveform comes up on the XDJ-RX2 perfectly! So long story short, what you need to do is:

1. Re-encode the songs with constant bit rate (CBR) as XDJ-RX2 seems to behave funny with variable bit rate (VBR). In my case these were 320 kbps MP3 files.

2. Delete the same songs from rekordbox collection and import them again.

I'm aware that you may lose cue points etc., but In my opinion it's better than not being able to view the waveform.

I hope this helps some other people out there - may possibly even work for CDJs as well. 

ruben 0 votes
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@Ruben > Thanks for the update... many people wouldn't know to look for a bad VBR file.

Pulse 0 votes
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