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Distortion on DJM-900NXS headphones when set to "Mono Split"

When I set the headphones to Mono Split mode I should hear the master output in one ear and whatever cue buttons I've selected in the other. Instead I hear in both ears the pressed (lit up) cue buttons (even if it's only one) and the sound is badly distorted.

When I switch back to to Stereo mode the sound is normal but if I toggle the mono/stereo switch on my Pioneer headphones there is no variation in sound (normally stereo would sound wider than mono) which makes me think the mixer is outputting a mono signal through the headphones when set to Stereo mode.

I have tried toggling the mono/stereo switch on the Master output channel and there is a clear change in sound (stereo sounds wider) being output to my speakers, the problem is therefore isolated to the headphone output.

Has this happened before? How can I resolve this?

Ashley Bell Answered

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@Ashley > First, thanks for doing the typical troubleshooting I'd have to ask! ;)

My next troubleshooting suggestion is to check that the headphone adapter is screwed-on properly. I've seen this kind of incident before where the adapter was the source because it was slightly loose and the internal contact points were not aligned.

If that's not the case, try another pair of headphones just to be sure and let me know the results.

Pulse 0 votes
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Thanks for your feedback, the mixer is currently with my local service centre and they have found no fault, so I suspect you are right. I'm going over tomorrow to see if we can recreate the issue, I'll take my headphones to test and post the results here. Thanks for your help.

Ashley Bell 0 votes
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Absolutely correct! When I unscrewed the adapter I found that the 3.5mm jack was bent. I carefully bent it back and all fine now, thanks Pulse!

Ashley Bell 0 votes
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