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Toraiz sp 16 banks

Does the Toraiz sp 16 work in such a way where if all the 16 pads have samples on them there would be a bank button to switch to another 16 pads? Then during live play can switch seamlessly between pads and banks.  Or is it just one bank of 16.


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As the pads are directly related to the info on the display, I'm certain there is a way to switch the entire bank -- I couldn't find it in the video, but I seem to recall seeing it in a demo. More will be revealed once the unit is closer to street release!

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if you think of a scene as a memory bank then yes.

You can assign 16 samples to a scene (the LCD screen shows just 1 scene that is currently selected), you can have 16 scenes each with 16 different samples.

You swap scenes, by pressing 'Scene' and then 1 of the 16 keys at the bottom of the Toraiz.

If it is in 'play' it will wait to the end of the current scene (of 4 bars) before it changes scene and starts playing the pattern of the scene selected.

Alternatively, If you haven't entered a pattern for that scene or its not actually playing, you can always hit the pads for live playback and just treat the scenes as 16 memory banks which will give you up to a total of 256 different stereo samples which can be up to 32 seconds long each (which i think is what you are asking)

In the arranger feature, you can link all you scenes/patterns to create a track.


Alan Michael 0 votes
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