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Rekordbox 6.7.3 MyTag Order


Been using MyTag feature to organize my library. I am running into an issue where the order of tags in the right side of the UI does not reflect the order of tags applied to my tracks.

For example:

I want the Energy tag to be displayed first, followed by the Genre tag. But this does not happen.

The reason why this is important is that I play on CDJs and I use the comments field for the MyTag information. The most important information (energy in my case) needs to be shown first, so I don't have to wait for the entire comments field to scroll for me to see it.

I've seen other forum posts about this issue which was supposedly fixed, but unfortunately I am still having this problem in 6.7.3.

Any help will be appreciated.


Daniel Sosnowski

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Basically, My Tag column shows the My Tags in the order as My Tag side window show.
But it seems that the order doesn't work if the order of My Tag categories are changed.
The issue was forwarded to the engineering team.
But you can try the workaround below.
1.Switch the My Tag categories Energy and Genre.
Rename Energy to Genre
Rename Genre to Energy

2.Move the My Tags in Energy and Genre categories each other.
Move the My Tags in Genre (previously Energy) to Energy.
Move the My Tags in Energy (previously Genre) to Genre.

Gabriel 0 votes
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