If possible, can you provide a video and let us known the specs of your setup such as the device you're pluggin into the USB and version of Firmware your 900NXS2 has loaded?
Trying to apply a Beat FX onto a USB Aux-In (Send/Return section) turns the Aux-In button off as soon as the FX assignment is switched to the corresponding channel. So whatever was playing through the usb stops playing and you can't turn the Send/Return On/Off-button back on.
This happens on all channels receiving a Return/Aux signal except for when the FX assignment is set to Crossfader A & B FX assignments.
Also it seems impossible for the "clip" VU meter lights to light when using USB Aux-In.
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If possible, can you provide a video and let us known the specs of your setup such as the device you're pluggin into the USB and version of Firmware your 900NXS2 has loaded?
Here's the video of the issue.
I'm on version 1.10 and playing from an iphone 6s - iOS 9.3.2 (latest versions)
It's happening on the Crossfader assign A & B this time as well. I thought it was allowing FX to be assigned to A & B yesterday but must have been mistaken (...I have a 6 month old at home and am getting very little sleep :)
Also it happens to any and all channels assigned to receive the USB Aux-In (If multiple channels are set to [Return Aux] it'll turn off on every channel and crossfade assign corresponding with the Aux-In.
This is great! Thanks for taking the time to upload the video, it's quite helpful to really see firsthand what's going on. BTW, I have a 3 and 5 year old, I empathize with your situation. :)
This is a very interesting situation. Here's an explanation I found from the manual (p.14). Number two sounds like your situation:
In the following cases, the SEND/RETURN ON/OFF button turns off. When this function is forced to run off, it is impossible to turn it on or off.
- When the DJM-900NXS is not connected to an effector
- When RETURN TYPE selector switch is set to AUX, and the effect channel is set to 1, 2, 3, or 4, and the effect channel input selector switch is set to RETURN AUX.
- When the RETURN TYPE selector switch is set to AUX, and the effect channel set to CROSS FADER A or CROSS FADER B, and one or more of the channels assigned using the CROSS FADER ASSIGN switch is set to RETURN AUX.
- When the RETURN TYPE selector switch is set to AUX and the effect channel is set to MASTER.
My only guess is that the unit does this in order to prevent a feedback loop from the same audio signal being sent twice in the signal path. Don't quote me on that, I have to like at a diagram first, but that would be my best guess–it's acting as a failsafe mechanism.
For shits and grins, have you tried setting the RETURN TYPE switch to INSERT?
Hey Thanks for the help.
So when I switch the USB (iPhone) Send/Return from "Aux" to "Insert" the channel that is inputing the signal is determined by the Beat FX Channel Selector. I can apply an effect on the signal being "inserted" but makes it impossible to apply an effect to any other channel (or even change the assignment of the Beat FX without having the inputted iPhone signal jump across the Beat FX assigned channels.)
Both Aux and Insert scenarios are looking unusable in real life situations.
Could you check for me and see if this issue is something that Pio plan on leaving or is there a possibility of a firmware fix. That was one of the big selling points of this mixer for me. It appears that it's close to impossible to use USB Aux-In if you plan on using Beat FX at the same time.
I'm afraid I'm but a simple man with a lot of knowledge...I would feel more comfortable deferring this question to one of the mods. I'm sure @Mark or @Pulse will certainly chime in soon. I don't want to feed you any misinformation.
Ha. You were so helpful I thought you must have been a moderator :)
Yeah, Hopefully this is something they can fix but that they've written the problem in the manual isn't a good sign. Thanks for your help.
@lostnthesound> Thanks for the help!
@Lindsay> This is actually by design to prevent accidental feedback, etc. The digital send/return is not technically an AUX input. It's one of those little happy easter eggs that users can utilize on a limited basis. For example, if a bar/club/lounge owner or staff member wants to play some music from their phone before the DJ starts or while the staff is setting up or closing out. It was never specifically intended for DJ's to use it and apply FX to it. I will pass this suggestion along to our product team, but as you alluded to earlier, it's in the manual that way for a reason.
@Lindsay> Thanks for the kind words. I've been exposed to electronics and whatnot all of my life, so I'm happy to share some knowledge/tips when I can, this forum has only a couple mods so I like to help when I can. Though if you wish to start a "lostnthesound for Mod" campaign, who am I to stop you? ;-)
@Pulse> Anytime sir!
@Lindsay> While it may be a bit disappointing that this isn't the answer you were after, I hope you can see Pioneer's reasoning behind the move–while many users know what their doing, there are quite a few who don't take the time to learn about the ins and outs of signal processing as it relates to mixers and audio in general. Could you imagine the avalanche of angry forum posts from those DJM-NXS2 users who created a terrible feedback loop because they didn't bother learning how to prevent it? Perhaps in a future update there will be an option buried in the on-board utility menu for those who wish to open Pandora's Box, but we'll wait and see. Remember, this mixer isn't even 6 months old yet...in the meantime, I suppose you'll have to settle for either unaffected piped in audio via USB or using a 2-1 RCA to 1/8" jack to connect your device to the RCA's in the back in order to get the FX working.
Personally, I still find the Aux USB to be a treat for enabling me to use iPad's apps to help me inject a bit of live-looping/one-shot smashing into my sets. Let's hope that Pioneer will create an App that will act as a bridge to sync 3rd party apps to the Beatgrid for some quantized love. I digress.
I'm Mark, not Pulse. I'm much more attractive and much less Canadian. Lol.
@Mark> Sorry for the confusion sir. I should've realized it was you from the lack of maple syrup references and "eh" in the post. :-)
Thanks to everyone for the info.
As disappointed as I am, I hear where Pio's coming from.
I think the best work around, for me, is setting up the USB Aux-In to a spare channel with that channels crossfader assign set to [Thru] and then remember to only assign the Beat FX to Crossfader A or B... and not to the Aux-In channel.
It's more limiting than I'd like and I don't know if I'd trust myself using it in the heat of the moment after a few drinks but I guess it better than nothing.
Thanks again guys.
@Mark > Hey, I resemble that!