awesome thank you thank you thank you so much! Did you make one for the AFX too? The pads don't respond properly for me. I have to smash them so hard, something weird with the velocity probably
Just wanted to share the mapping for the AKAI AMX.
It is an early version, but basic functions are working.
Not Working:
I'll update the post with more features in the future! hit the FOLLOW button if you are interested!
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awesome thank you thank you thank you so much! Did you make one for the AFX too? The pads don't respond properly for me. I have to smash them so hard, something weird with the velocity probably
No, I do not have an afx sorry.
Anyway yes rekordbox midi support is quite poor yet
Hi, did you happen to make the amx trim/gain knob work on rekordbox dj? I have version 4.2.5. and it doesn't work. When I try to map it i just can't make it work...
Does it work with my mapping?
I really can't remember, I ended up selling the AMX.
No it doesn't. Perhaps it's the software version change.
Best of luck.
I ended up mapping treble knob as gain. That worked.
I'm liking using the AMX with RekordBoxDJ, especially since it supports DVS, so thank you so much for this mapping as for some reason I couldn't map the play/pause/cue buttons when I tried it, cheers!
I mapped the VU meter LEDs with another non-Serato DJ application (Algoriddim Djay Pro) before, once I figured out the MIDI OUT channels, so I think I might be able to get the VU LEDs working on Rekordbox DJ, so stay tuned!
Hi Juwan,
Do you have the mapping available for RekordboxDJ/Akai AMX? I'm looking to start using it, and it would be really helpful. I have 2x AFX units too, but this would be so useful to begin with. Thanks!
Has anyone successfully mapped the vu leds?
Also, I'm trying to remap an AFX to use with video; anyone done it?
Hi guys, is the AMX - DVS ready for rekordbox dj ?
Thanks !
If it is, it's not officially supported, so YMMV.
in case anyone wants to output to the akai amx VU meters, i found that they are on midi channel 0, cc values: 62, 63, 64,65.
hey Spencer Cappiello how can I find channel 0, cc values: 62, 63, 64,65?
hey alexander - not sure what you mean, but i've been able to light the amx vu meters with rekordbox dj 5 by creating a virtual midi device named an officially supported controller like the DDJ-SX3, make a midi mapping that outputs the levels to some cc value or modify one of the .midi.csv masters, then run a middleware like bome midi translator to convert its output to the 4 amx vu meter led outputs which are cc values: 62, 63, 64, 65.
an article i learned from, https://djtechtools.com/2017/05/08/hack-rekordbox-use-controllers-jogwheels/
also, you might enjoy my more detailed solution in this thread, https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115018948423-Missing-Rekordbox-ChannelLevelMeter-MIDI-out?page=1#community_comment_360008852232
hello friend, i'm trying to download your mapping files but i think we need your permision on google files as well...