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XDJ-1000 trade-in program

So the XDJ-1000mk2 was announced today and surprise surprise, it includes many features from the NXS2. 
Would it be possible for you guys to feature some sort of trade-in program for owners of original XDJ-1000s because the added features seem to mostly be software centric (I know there's more to it than that) and I only just bought my XDJ a few months ago and considering how recently it was released, I know a lot of people will be in the same boat as me.


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A trade in program would be nice, but I still wouldn't use it. The cost delta would be too high for just the small feature set. I think they should have just waited longer to release a MK2. For them to be releasing it this soon means it was pretty much put into development right after releasing the MK1. I don't know what they were thinking the XDJs were my first players and I'm pretty sure I won't ever buy another set with how quickly they dropped support for them.

Homicide Monkey 1 vote
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lol this is pioneer where talking about, no chance - the price is ridiculous.

andyfoz 0 votes
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As an early XDJ-1000 adopter, I am disappointed in this update. Either the firmware cannot be updated to add some of these features, or they are still focused as a hardware company, even though they have tons of software offerings now.  The physical updates are fine, but it really leaves us to question of the wave form/beat grid changes are tied to hardware, or they just want to make a buck on new units.  


My guess as a customer, is that other advancements in the CDJ2000NX2 made it inexpensive to add pro link and digital out, and the new navigation will become the standard on CDJ's across the board.  I would be a happier customer with a software update today for my players, with better displays and search(Please add a delete all search terms button), but such is life. 


I also have a hunch that this allows Pioneer to rip out the integration with Serato and Traktor, like they did with the CDJ2000NX2.  This could be the real reason for the release.  

David Gallant 0 votes
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No way.  Remember what manufacturer we are talking about. They want you to dish out another $2000+ for a pair of new XDJs for what is essentially a firmware upgrade and two small buttons tacked on under the browse selector.


DJ Chase 0 votes
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Given the extremely short life-cycle of the MK1, I too am admittedly disappointed after purchasing my XDJ-1000 a little over a year ago. I atleast expected a solid 5 years before a MK2 unveiling. C'est la vie.

While a trade-in isn't out of the question, I'm quite certain it won't happen. Though admittedly, Pioneer could easily reuse the chasis of traded-in hardware for the mk2's. I digress.

lostnthesound 0 votes
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Man you got it! They coul buy back the mk1, update the firmware and replace the search button and sell them again as the mk2 :-DDD

Marek 0 votes
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I have 2 XDJ-1000 as well ( a bit more than a year ). For those complaining about the release of the new Player I would like to ask some questions.

Are you complaining that Apple every year releases a new iPhone with better functions?
Are you complaining that car companies releasing every few years a new model of a car even that the LifeCycle of the previous model is still not over? 
Do you believe Pioneer is the Salvation army giving all new Features for free to the customers? Has Pioneer ever advertised to add new Features down the road?

Please return to reality. Target of every Company is making Money / Profit as much as they can.

Don't get me wrong - I would love to get some of the new Features via a Firmware update to my existing unit. But I am realistic enough to not expect that or blame Pioneer.
It would be my decision to either sell my existing unit and buy a new one. Or to stay with it and enjoy them as they are.
Btw. when I was thinking about the purchase a year ago I made the decision to go with the XDJ -1000 and not with the CDJ-2000nxs. And it was about Features and Price. Was it a bad decision? Should I have been waiting? No - I still love my XDJ's.

For those of you thinking of buying the XDJ-1000mk2, have in mind - next year there might be a new one...

Frank Richter 0 votes
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Just a question - did your unit stopped working? Do you fear it is working less than 5 years?
Did you expected to get lots of new functions during the 5 years?
Or is it just the fact that you don't like that People buying today may get more functions. Does this makes your unit bad?

Again - I don't want to blame anybody. Just to think about it....

I got 2 Technics SL-1210MK2 Turntables. They were state of the art about 30 years ago when I bought mine. They are still state of the art today. Have they changed functionialities over the last years? No - they were perfect at that time. And they still running like at the first day.

But what happened to Technics? They had to close Business Long time ago and trying to restart now...

Was it because the products were bad? No - there was no further inovation and at the time the market was fed up they couldn't sell anything more.

But that's my 2 cents.

I am not saying Pioneer is the best Company ever - but I can understand the strategy and Business model. And you see this in many many different places / markets functioning the same. If I like it or not.

Regarding a trade in program.
Honestly I think a trade in is only offered when the sales of the new unit are not as expected. Apple started with such a program pretty late and even I get better Prices for the old phone when selling via eBay. What I want to say is that I don't Need a trade in - really.

Frank Richter 0 votes
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@Frank Richter
I will give you another angle of view to this situation.

Noone was expecting any miracle functions to be added to the current products but everyone who purchased XDJ, was expecting its life to be longer than it currently was (usually the Pioneer products were "up to date" for about 3-5 years).

Most of the people were also expecting that this unit will evolve due to its touch screen concept, giving it huge potential to improve. Simply the XDJ's were very sexy, laded by features and easily expandable.

The reality is that the potential of the original XDJ remains quite unused (in fact its hw could support the majority of the sw changes) and nearly after 2 years, our units are dead.

Even we have no issues making using of our MK1's impossible, its hard to see our money we spent, without any future support and improvement.

Yes, I have heard many parallels with cars and phones here, which are being released every year blah blah. But none of those argumenting with cars and cellphones, mentions that they take apparent that their 2 years old phone gets a software updates, improving the functionality and brings new features if the hardware allows (the Apple example you used is the best one as the old iPhone 5s still gets the features the 6s gets as far as the hardware allows). If its about the money, why I can't pay for the software upgrade of my units but have to buy the whole sh*t again...? 

Noone mentions that their cars are being updated with the most recent maps and features to the entertainment system. Noone realizes that a phone, cdj and car is something diametrically different, when talking about it price, purchase expectation, lifetime and upgradability. Its really a poor comparison and its not black and white.

And now I am quite lost - I am considering getting the Toraiz but I really don't know what to expect - will I spend 1500$ on a nice device, which will be replaced and desupported next year, to force me spend another 1500$ on a nice features but such that could be very easily implemented to the current device? Yes 1500$ thats quite a lot of money to throw them away for something what will be maintained only one year... How I can trust that I am spending my hard earned money on the right place. Thats really a question..

Years ago, Pioneer was a no brainer but now, their marketing is very messy and doesn't seems much thrustworthy....

Disappointing.....again...... :-(

Marek 0 votes
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I like discussions as Long as they kept without emotions.... :-)

As you can see everybody has different opinions and expectations. The fact that you didn't liked my comparisons as you are saying the phone get IOS updates and the cars get updated Maps. This is about the Dynamics of the market. In the beginning Apple wasn't giving all updates for free. I recall that the IOS update for one of my iPods where at the Charge of 10€ - however the market supported this over time. The update of actual maps for some cars still costs up to 200€ however lots of manufacturer provide them for free. The market was regulating that.

It is a fact that Pioneer is dominating the market we are in. This is why we decided to go with Pioneer and not with other competitors or other products. You are right that the XDJ-1000 with the touch Screen has a big potential but it was never said it will be this unit taking all Advantages moving Forward. We all hoped but it isn't the reallity. Potentially you will have the same discussion again when Pioneer may announce CDJ-2000nxs3.

As you talked about future expectations - it is nearly impossible to predict what will happen in the future. No Company will guarantee you future functionalities if they haven't advertised them at the time you were buying the unit.

Can we be disappointed - absolutely
Are we we unhappy - yes
Can we Change it - I don't think so.

The way I try to make decisions for a purchase is accorrding to functionality / Price at the time of the purchase - not what might be in the future.

We are all allowed to have dreams. But not each dream will become true....

Regarding your thoughs about the Toraiz.

Look at the unit as it is today - does it meet your requirements? Is it at a Price you want to pay? If both answers might be yes you should consider the purchase. If you are hoping for enhanced functionalities, updates, more functions to be added in the future, I would recommend to wait for it before you buy it.

This way you can't get disappointed.


Frank Richter 0 votes
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Can we be disappointed - absolutely
Are we we unhappy - yes
Can we Change it - I don't think so.

You are absolutely correct about this one. Same like you are right about the fact "No Company will guarantee you future functionalities"

Basically for me its all about the evolution of the technology - I am very technically oriented (in my personal life and in my job as well) and I can't simply stand such an "old school" approach of not pushing the technology to it limits before deciding the new hw is needed. :-) I don't like the sales guys, marketing guys or anyone who tries to make you buy something even if they know the current limits were not reached and this is exactly what is happening and why it hurts so much.

Today's expectation on product (no matter what it is) is that the product will evolve and get improved over the time - you must show your customers that they made a right decision by choosing your products and that there is someone actively tying to make them more happy than at the moment they purchased it. To build some kind of trust that when the purchase it next time, they will always get a premium service with the premium product. Everyone wants it and everyone who spent thousands on your products IMO deserves it. (Pioneer build such trust during the past years, but I do have some doubts after introducing the nxs2 and mk2 - but it could be only me).

Hope the current generation of Toraiz will have a longer life than my players did... :-D

Marek 0 votes
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I really feel your Frustration.

What I will Need to do is to evaluate what I will get selling my XDJ-1000, what will be the Delta I have to spend and is it worth the changes. Right now I am thinking the answer might be no.

Most of my tracks don't Need more that 3 Hot Cues. To colour them would be nice but the world would stop Spinning if not.
The digital Output would be nice too but in the enviroment I am using them it isn't critical.
The Jogs I don't think they are much different from the previous model. Can't tell until I haven't deen and feel them in reality.
The enhanced track browsing I really would like to have.
The additional Hardware Buttons are not the killer Feature.

Overall right now I see them as normal Evolution - forgive me the comparison with Apple again - just going to the 's' model. No real major changes but I might be wrong....

I might wait for the mk3 :-)

Frank Richter 0 votes
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I think I will also wait for the mk3 or mk<whatever> and will focus on some real improvement (like the mentioned Toraiz) to bring something new to my sets, instead of colored cues.

When reading your list of features, I think almost the same. As said - the major improvement and - let's say - the best improvements are on the software side and  shame is that they are tight to the hardware for no obvious and real benefit for the customer but only the manufacturer (what is basically the point of all my posts).... Enhanced browsing is an amazing feature but shouldn't be the selling point but something you spread across the whole line of the players, if nothing then to keep the consistency of the user experience and the ecosystem... 

But you know - such discussion could be endless :-DD

Marek 0 votes
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