Official comment

Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this along to the product planning team.
Would it be possible to implement an optional FLAC / ALAC to AIFF conversion during the export to USB? So far the NXS 2 penetration in clubs / festivals is not very important and I have to convert tons of ALAC / FLAC into AIFF to keep the compatibility which is not very handy.
It would also reduce A LOT of space on my hard drive :)
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this along to the product planning team.
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This would be extremely helpful, and something that I would be strongly in favor of. Time and space are always a problem, and this would indeed save both. Please consider this for the future! Thanks a lot :)
I would love to have that too!
Yes please, that would be very helpful.
I have to agree. This a situation i'm also facing and many other people that I know face the same.
It would be very helpful.