Agreed. Potentially great unit but pioneer totally fumbled it so far.
When I bought the Toraiz I thought it would be something similar to the NI Maschine but standalone, I did not thing twice before spending $1500 on the unit on launch day. Even though it is a fun machine, it is very underwhelming because the hardware is well built and all, but the OS/software is very underwhelming. It lacks on basic functions, such as letting adjust the start and end points of your slices (It will be available on future firmware updates they say); as of right now the effects are pretty much useless; your are limited to 16 samples per scene (on maschine I have at least 8 banks of 16 samples for every scene); no automation on the Dave Smith filter; each sample has a limit of 32 seconds; as of right now the MIDI is pretty much useless.
I think it has a lot of potential and they can make it better with firmware updates, but I do feel robbed for paying $1500+shipping for this piece of equipment, think twice and do your research before buying as it does not do what was advertised.
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Agreed. Potentially great unit but pioneer totally fumbled it so far.
Help me understand you brought the Toriaz sp16 and had it for how long?
I mean it is a relatively new piece of gear.
You used it for how long ? Before you realized you don’t like it?
You could have just taken it back to the store
Now you want to talk about the product online?
I own the product, I still have time to take it back to the store
the Toriaz is not going back to the store period. If you want to sell your Toriaz
put it on ebay I will gladly buy it and I would be willing to give you more than
five hundred USA for it. So I can have two of them.
The other guy keeps talking about the Toriaz and comparing it to Two Pieces
of equipment? The Toriaz must be that good since he must compare only one piece
of equipment to two different pieces of gear? The MPC is a sequencer and sampler
and the Octatrack is a couple of things all together. AND yet he compares the two
against one Toriaz? Does he even own the product?
Only on the internet this kinda thing happens
Jeez. People are starting to bug me in their blind defence of this thing.
Octatrack is a sampler/sequencer
MPC 1000 +JJOS is a sampler/sequencer
Toraiz is a sampler/sequencer
So I compared them. And in spite of it being the most recent the toraiz lost in all areas except possibly -
UI. Potentially better than both octatrack and mpc
Separate outputs - better than octatrck
16 tracks - octatrack only has 8.
Do your homework and either read the full user Manuals or own some of these units before feeling like you can really contribute in to any kind of comparison discussion...
where's the 'blind defence'? i don't see it.
maybe, just maybe, some people might actually be happy with their Toraiz....?
I know some other people will be happy with it. I never questioned that. It does very basic things very well. Probably better than anything else at doing very basic stuff. But I wouldn't be happy with it. Way too shallow in terms of actual features once you get past the attractive UI. I'd rather have a slightly less lavish UI and WAY more features. Hence for now I'll stick with octatrack. If pioneer bring the Toraiz up to date with lots of cutting edge OS features to justify that cutting edge price tags then maybe i'll think again.
here's hoping for a good year or so of updates that add additional depth to the machine....
Yeah, it could be amazing if they throw some serious thinking/development at it and don't do 'bare minimum' kind of updates like they have on that road map pic. The hardware/UI itself looks great.
Stop over-reacting, I never said I dislike or that I'm going to sell my Toraiz, I have it since the 23rd of August. The hardware itself is pristine, fabulous if you ask me. But the OS as of right now lacks a lot. And I am disappointed because I have to wait to do things I thought would be possible to do out of the box (as advertised). But the reality is that I've spent all that money on potential. Had I know that, I would have spent that on 2XDJ-1000MKII and bought the Toraiz at the beginning of next year. I will wait for the update because I have no choice now, even if I sell it I will lose around $400usd I don't know if you are rich but for me it is still a lot of money. I paid the full $1500 + Tax and same day shipping, so overall it was almost $1700. I do think it is a lot for something that is partially working. At least I can connect my Minilogue to it and have some fun, but don't tell me that the unit is perfect, because as of right now it isn't. It's fun to play with out of the box, but when you try to add effects, undo something, etc, etc it gets slightly frustrating as of right now.