Official comment

Hey guys, just so you're aware, we ask that ALL feature / product requests go into the suggestions forum for two reasons...
1) Our legal team has required us to include this disclaimer at the top of that forum section so anyone contributing ideas, or requesting features or updates, has a clear understanding of Pioneer DJ's responsibility and obligation regarding any comments posted:
This forum is solely for posting product and feature suggestions. It can be a new idea, or a fix for an existing function in hardware or software, but we ask that you post only ONE suggestion per topic!
You are welcome to discuss any suggestions, but please DO NOT post a new idea as a response to another user's topic; post a new topic instead.
Any submission of suggestions, proposals, ideas, materials, or other information concerning Pioneer DJ's products and/or services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Suggestions”) shall be deemed as your acceptance of the following terms:
- (A) Pioneer DJ has no obligation to treat any Suggestions in confidence, to use nor to commercialize any Suggestions.
- (B) Pioneer DJ has no obligation to report or inform of any status of use of any Suggestions.
- (C) Pioneer DJ has no obligation to provide compensation, either monetary, exchange of goods, or recognition, for the use of any Suggestions.
- (D) You shall not assert any claim that Pioneer DJ's products or services infringe copyrights, industrial property or any other intellectual property rights contained in the Suggestions in the event Pioneer DJ commercializes such Suggestions or similar ideas.
- (E) You shall not submit any material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights or that violates any third party rights.
2) That is the BEST way for our product teams to gather that kind of information. While we do have some staff who work their way through the posts made all over the forum, it's hard for them to sift through the thousands of posts and comments made every month in order to find the core suggestions for the products.
While I understand you wanted to try and keep the TORAIZ topics separated from the DJ topics (as we have tried to do with the general posts), we still request that you contribute the suggestions there instead of here.
Oh, and @Jay, we do sort-of have it stickied... at the top of every page (other than the home page), you'll see this:
Thanks for the understanding!