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Touch Slider

Hi all,

For now it is possible to assign certain parameters to the slider.
Negative thing about that, is that it only works while pressing the pads in Trackmode. In most cases i use one-shot sample loops and pressing the pads together with the slider it retriggers the sample and that messes up the playing sequence.

Any ideas to avoid that?


Should it not be nice to have some sort of 'midimapping' regardless in what mode you're in?

Taras Van de Voorde

Official comment


Hey Taras, 

Maybe try setting the pad trigger mode to gate, this will allow you to press and hold the pad and use the touch slider. Let me know if this works for what you trying to do.


Dj Creme
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you can set the slider to hold mode, adjust the sample start point and improvise. 

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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Thanks for the reply guys, but unfortunately this doesn't solve my problem in a live / club situation.

The pad i would love to use the slider on, should not be triggered at all as it is pre-programmed and thus gets triggered already. I just want to tweak the filter or other assignments with the slider.


Hope you understand what i\m trying to explain :)



Taras Van de Voorde 0 votes
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I think I do. If the track is sequenced then pressing pad and slider will re trigger, so only way is to use knobs to manipulate the filter. agree , it will be good if once the pad is selected the slider should lock to that pad without having to touch the pad or may be touch the sample on the screen and use the slider

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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Agree. I also would like to use the slider to control the send effects reverb , delay and new ones they add . Dj creme you can help take this to the prod team

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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