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May have to return my DDJ-RZX as Rekordbox video is missing essential features....

Hi guys

I'm a professional nightclub DJ (and turntablist) and a long time Serato and MixEmergency user. I have been using a DDJ-SZ since release and I use a Nexus setup with an SP1 for my guest sets.

I have just purchased a DDJ-RZX hoping to move to Rekordbox with the video plus pack but I may have to return it as there are some features that are essential to my sets that are missing. I love the RZX to bits - in particular the screens, fx and are latency fantastic and I'd love to keep it if I can.

Are any of these coming in the (very) near future to save me having to return the RZX and stick with Serato/ME?

Deal breakers for me...

1) Music and video in the same playlists
2) Quartz composition overlays (for a Twitter/Instagram feed overlay)...and/or
3) Syphon output (for video to go to Resolume etc. to add quartz overlays)
4) For stock videos to automatically play when no video is assigned to a track
Important feature requests for me-
5) Upfader control for crossfading video
6) Detachable windows for video preview screens
7) Transitions that animate/move to the beat eg. cube turning to the beat
8) Ability to assign video fx to mixer eq (eg. strobe when cutting the bass)
9) Auto-random transitions each track
10) Some sort of Serato Flip equivalent (for automatically shortening tracks, cutting verses etc)
11) Sub-playlists, and/or playlist folders to show playlist contents
Thanks in advance!
Will Bailey Answered

Official comment


Hi Will, 

Thanks for your support.  We sincerely appreciate your feedback and insight.  I am passing this list to our product planning team.  I can not say for certain that these features are coming, but some of them have already been mentioned by other users.  

Mark Gallo
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