Official comment

Hello Blue Monster,
This feature request has been sent to the production team but at this time we don't have any more information.
Thank you
Hi there!
I cannot find the Midi Implementation Chart for the TORAIZ SP-16 in the Manual, where is it? I want to use it live so i really need to control parameters via MIDI. Having a footswitch for starting recording would be a good start.
Thanks, Thomas
Hello Blue Monster,
This feature request has been sent to the production team but at this time we don't have any more information.
Thank you
Post is closed for comments.
Hi Thomas, there's currently no midi in/out on the Toraiz.
it's coming in the next two firmware updates according to this roadmap in the FAQ
Ok, what a shame for pioneer to not have that from the beginning. And: on that list are no transport functions, just notes and cc?!?!?
I also would appreciate it if Pioneer makes it possible to operate the Toraiz unit with a foot switch through midi, its almost impossible when trying to record while playing guitar! Please make this possible.
Just bringing this to the front again, as we’re discussing the possibility of using a midi footswitch with the SP-16.
Is it possible to control the start/stop? How about either pattern switching or pads? It would be fantastic to be able to switch patterns by foot while playing guitar!
Any ideas?
Thanks, Creme!