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Djm900 nxs 2 record box DJ and DVS

Hi I would have posted comment on previous post but it has been closed to stop comments.

I also would request licensing is provided for nxs2 owners of rekord box and ideally DVS as has been done on 450.

I understand that they are two different products but wrongly I bought assuming serato support my be forth coming. On the occasions I wish to use DVS I do not wish to pay a further £200+ for ability already owning serato.

Until recent 64bit drivers I was not even able to record to PC. Overall nxs2 purchase has left a somewhat bad taste. 450 news does not helps. Please review for the sake of the loyal customers.

Simon Bone Answered

Official comment


The CDJ / DJM setup (eg. the Nexus2 system) is primarily designed and marketed as a stand-alone DJ solution. In this scenario, rekordbox is used to organize and prepare your music, as well as optionally link to the players over ethernet. While they have the capability, the objective is not for this system to be used primarily as a controller for rekordbox DJ; we have several other dedicated solutions in that category. The DJM-450 and DJM-900NXS2 are targeted at two very different market segments and as such, the decision has been made to include a rekordbox DJ license for this entry-level product.

Thanks for your feedback.

Mark Gallo
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Post is closed for comments.



I agree entirely licences should be supplied with the mixer especially as the 450 has them as standard.

I contacted Pioneer DJ and their reply stated that this mixer is designed as a stand alone and so wasn't an option. If that were the case then why do they have 2 USB inputs for laptops? I'm awaiting there response!

I also have the CDJ 2000 NXS2 and they have a Rekordbox button on them so they aren't designed as standalone either!


Tony 3 votes
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This is the Pioneer response They then closed post so I couldn't reply!!!

The CDJ / DJM setup (eg. the Nexus2 system) is primarily designed and marketed as a stand-alone DJ solution. In this scenario, rekordbox is used to organize and prepare your music, as well as optionally link to the players over ethernet. While they have the capability, the objective is not for this system to be used primarily as a controller for rekordbox DJ; we have several other dedicated solutions in that category. The DJM-450 and DJM-900NXS2 are targeted at two very different market segments and as such, the decision has been made to include a rekordbox DJ license for this entry-level product.

Thanks for your feedback.

Tony -3 votes
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This is the info that you can read in Pioneer Dj's web whem i made the pre order for my djm900nxs2.

For me and for so many more this is MISLEADING ADVERTISING

Whem my djm arrived no software or license were included.

I made a claim to Pioneer in Spain and they told me "...Rekordbox dj is a professional software and professional software is not for free..." 

And if i want to use timecode vinils they (Pioneer Spain) told me to download "Serato Intro"... That was because i made a question about "dvs support" listed also in Pioneer's web in those days whem i made the pre order...

This info changed two or three times as the days passed... But AFTER my djm arrived. So... Maybe was confused at least????

No software, no license keys, no dvs support...

Then they launched Rekordbox and Rekordbox dvs... and give it free with controllers!!!

They told me that controllers dont work without software... but also need dvs??

And now we have a small new mixer with Rekordbox and dvs for free!!!???

Until today i have not apologies from Pioneer and no answers from Pioneer in Spain; only "this is not our fault", "you have to make a claim to Rekordbox not us", "we dont know and we arent responsibles about what PioneerDJ says in his web"....

If someone can't believe in this amazing history with the big Pioneer and his top-standard-club-professional mixers and his costumers... Have more screen shots, posts in this forum, emails, claims...

Sorry about my english!!

Joaquin de Lara 2 votes
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It's a shame, almost a year after his departure and even we are still waiting.

You should learn from other more serious brands...

Pablo Domínguez Núñez 2 votes
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Especially since the announcement of the djm 450 ($700) which includes a Rekordbox DVS license.

It seems like a kick in the teeth to have bought the 900nxs2 ($2,200) and have Pioneer exclude Rekordbox DVS... and still no direct compatibility with Serato or Traktor.  

I feel like we 900nxs2 customers paid the premium and are getting the squeeze to purchase RB DVS as well.  Pretty stink!


Lindsay Maria 3 votes
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I'm just recommending that no-one buys the 900NXS! NO DVS it's a joke!!!

I cant understand why Pioneer DJ are being so pig headed, do they not understand the DJ's needs! do they not listen to customer feedback!

Tony 2 votes
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I have your flagship pioneer dj mixer - DJM900NXS2 and I don't have free licence from you, but user djm450 have free licence for rekordbox dj and dvs ? this is joke ? bad joke!


Namteh 1 vote
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I also have the flagship djm 900nx2 and cdj 2000nxs2 and it would be nice to have a full pack licence of rekordbox. I think it would be polite from pioneer's side to ask serial numbers from customers in exchange of rekordbox ful pack licences

Sakis S. 3 votes
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It's a real shame that a big company like Pioneer provides this distressing treatment to their costumers. 

Alexeynegodin 2 votes
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It's genuinely nothing short of disgusting that you would make the choice not to include Rekordbox DJ (+DVS) on your flagship product. There should be no 'target setup' for your most expensive product, it should be fully prepared to work in ANY setup, including DVS.

I recently made contact with you requesting information on whether or not you had any cheaper options for Rekordbox DVS coming out to which I received no reply. In a bid to get the cheapest Rekordbox DVS package I could, I went out and bought a DJM 750 which cost me £700. I still need to buy two timecode records (£40), a Rekordbox DJ license (£100) and a DVS upgrade license (£100) before I have the full setup I wanted. Literally a week later, the DJM 450 came out offering Rekordbox included for £550. I'm so upset.

It would have been the right thing to do to, upon the release of Rekordbox DVS, at least announce that 'DVS packages to come in the future', so that people could wait to make the savings.

It's a tragic shame that you are choosing to neglect the customers at the top end of your range, especially when many of them have either taken out loans or saved for many months to afford your high quality, but expensive equipment.

Offer free DVS to all Pioneer DVS-ready mixer owners.

Chuck Noland 3 votes
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I'm def' regretting my decision since I saw that the djm 450 came with RB DVS.

I've been on Pioneer mixers for over a decade now been happy but the 900 nexus 2 is the most expensive mixer I've bought and the more I think about it the more shat-on I feel with the whole scenario.

Lindsay Maria 1 vote
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If there's a Rekordbox DJ licence delivered with every controller and a simple DJM 450, then the owners of a DJM 900 NXS2 should receive a licence too. 100% support for that. 

Plus, enabling the use of Serato with this mixer and their DJ Club Kit, would be a big thing for Pioneer DJ. 

Mr. Leenknecht 1 vote
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I'll be quite honest here in that I think Rekordbox is a pile of crap and I think Pioneer should stick to what they've always done best- hardware. I'm pretty jaded on this entire topic. I'm a software engineer and computer scientist by trade and I have a strong suspicion I know exactly why their mixer functions the way it currently does. What i'm referring to here is the fact that the mixer specifically comes with drivers making it a USB soundcard, however the only way the separate inputs from the mixer work is if you have the paid version of Rekordbox DJ open on your computer. As much as moderators of claim that it was an oversight and even tried to claim that stating it was a "soundcard does not mean that it's inputs work separately", I find this to be nothing more than an attempt at monopolizing the software market.


I have news for you Pioneer, if you need to charge $2k for your mixers and pull shit like that to get people to use your software then your software obviously sucks. The thing is, I didn't spent $6k on my CJD/DJM setup so that I could use DVS software. I could care less about that. I do, however, want the freedom to be able to run my channels separately into Ableton when I want to and further run them separately back out from Ableton back into the respective channels of the mixer. When you tell a customer that a mixer functions as a soundcard, this is exactly what you are saying is possible- just as every other manufacturer (Allen & Heath, Gemini, Rane, etc...) does. I would be inclined to believe your assertion that you never intended for the soundcard's inputs to work separately but the fact that they work perfectly in Ableton ONLY when your paid version of Rekordbox is physically open on the computer just makes me sick. 

I find it pretty damn deplorable. I'm not asking for you to supply Rekordbox DVS as everyone else on here is asking because I think it's crap, to be honest. I didn't spend $6k to use these as MIDI controllers. What Im asking for is that you fix your damn soundcard drivers so that I can properly use the mixer as a soundcard, which is what it has been marketed as. As for the software, I'll leave that to people who specialize in it and use Ableton or Native Instruments. I'm pretty sure you guys know that.

Corey Nolet 1 vote
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It makes no sense to _not_ offer RekordBox full software with PRO equipment such as NXS2 line - Mixer and CDJ.  I bought this out of the gate to be in the beginning curve.  I guess Pioneer figures another $300 is easy for people who are buying this level of gear. 



Sir Force 1 vote
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Yes, I agree that this doesn't make since especially when you buy the whole NXS2 package.  I wrote Pioneer in a twitter direct message back in February 20, 2016 about the RecordBox DJ not being included when spending over 6k for the setup.  It was being tracked by the following form, however it doesn't exist any more https://forums.pioneerdj.com/twickets/5433 .  A license should be given to people who purchase the DJM-900 NXS2 just like the controllers so we can use the functionality we are used to since Serato is not being supported.  This would also give you more penetration into DVS market with your product.

Christopher T 1 vote
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Good news Thanks. Hope that Pioneer isnt waiting that nxs2 users use Serato or traktor and think again on give Rekordbox licenses as they do with controllers and the new 2 channel mixer.

Joaquin de Lara 0 votes
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You can see our friends at Pioneer DJ will never let us down! Serato is a different matter that I have a personal problem with and I cannot figure out why we are asked to pay so much money for Software that only is compatible with equipment that is at a given time, Thus Serato Club Pack which is a complete ripoff where there should be a class action lawsuit.

DJ Phil the Thrill 0 votes
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As a DJ I have the love for the technology over the years and I have become comfortable with using many different systems to get the Job Done.

I like using Serato because it has Karaoke, which Rekordbox doesn't (At least with the vast cdg. Library I have) I have Traktor with STEMS which is great when I have a House gig.

The fact now that Pioneer has a competitive Software Solution now limits me because I do not have deep pockets to buy the latest equipment and keep last years model around until there is a complete hardware or software solution, purchases I may want to make will have to wait. We all do this.

I like Rekordbox and can see all of the efforts that Rekordbox have put into the software in such a little time and commend them for it. I can see down the road that it will be my solution of choice but until then, Pioneer cannot turn its back at all the DJ's out there who not only use their solution but other solutions as well and cooperation with those companies or they will alienate themselves to where the users might go somewhere else

DJ Phil the Thrill 0 votes
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