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2 questions (requests?) before buying.


I'm very interested in the Toraiz since I am looking hard for a compagnion for my Tempest. I've had many already but none really réally cut it (MPC5000, Jomox Xbase999, Maschine).

There are two things withholding me to insta-buy the toraiz:
1) can you layer multiple samples on a pad? And if so: does it have a round-robin/random-pick-sample option? This really gives life to samplers when loaded with many almost alike but not quite the same samples.
2) +4 bars! For me a drumloop really comes to life and tells a story when it's 16 bars. Is this planned for a future release? Maybe pressing one of the bars button twice or trice etc to enter the 5th > 16th bars? This is a real dealbreaker (or maker) for me and a lot of people in my circles that are looking into the Toraiz.

Thanks a lot for answering in advance!

Kind regards,

Jørgen Hvirring

Official comment


Hello Jorgen,

Unfortunately none of the features your asking about are on the Toraiz at this time. If you want to check out more features the sp-16 does have to offer check out the 2 links below. Hopefully this can help on making a decision.





Dj Creme
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while reconnoitering the SP16, the only option right now is to combine the patterns in a sequence, which means programming a standard arrangement, or trigger the patterns live...

DooptieCookies 0 votes
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you can load a 8 bar sample as long as it is 32 secs and trigger it live. Yes between programming an arrangement, using 16 scenes with different samples and each scene with 16 samples, using the efx, sliders, basic scale and slicing (for now) you are looking at quite an instrument!  

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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