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Samplelength longer than a 4 bar Patternloop


if a sample is longer than 4 bars (f.e. 16 sec while a 4 bar patternloop starts to repeat after 8 sec (BPM 120) is it then possible to let it play to its own end, even the rest of the pattern is set to loop?

Is it even possible, that ,while the pattern is repeating the loop, the sample continues and starts looping only when it comes to its own end?

If this is possible, than ones could play a 8 bar bass-loop-sample in a 4 bar pattern-loop-structure. That would be very useful.

Thanks for your answer - and for your great product.


Gunter Frank

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Yes you can play a sample 32 sec long going beyond 4 bars. It won't loop as you cannot sequence it. U will need to manually trigger it in time and it won't auto quantise

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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Thank you very much for your answer. Does this also apply  while the pattern is playing as a loop?

Gunter Frank 0 votes
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Hi since the sample is not sequenced it won't auto loop. If you sequence it will only play 4 bars but will keep looping . So you have to manually trigger samples longer than 4 bars.

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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Thank you ;-)

I know the feature wish list is long. But if in a future update the possibility would be integrated to loop a sample independently from the 4 bar structure, this would be a very good thing. Than it would be possible to play 8 bar song structures in a patternloop (even if the pattern repeats after 4 bars). Than a sampled bassline could be used 8 bars long in a loop.


Gunter Frank 0 votes
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Yes please - so that say you had a 20 second random spoken sample from a movie or something, you could trigger it on pattern 1 and then switch to pattern 2. The sample would play out while pattern 2 loops round.

Or even better just have a conditional trigger that only triggers the sample under certain conditions, like the first time the pattern is played, or whatever.

henryo 0 votes
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Ive heard theres an LFO  trick  to make  samples  loop even if they are  say:16 sec but have more than 4 bar..  Elektron guys use it

untitled folder 0 votes
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There seems to be an Elektron wise Solution :  PLay 8 bar loops the following way

0. Put the sample trigger on the 1st Step.

1. Set a 4 bar Loop  Pattern

2. Go to the the sample you want to use ... enter the LFO (at the right bottom of the sample browser )

3. On the LFO  set it  on : Start

4. Ofset : 50

5. Speed  -32   ( or +32)   (for other lenghts you may try -64  or + 64 )

6. Sync  : on

7: Shape : saw


Now youve got an 8 bar loops !!  ;) 

untitled folder 0 votes
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