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Toraiz: Sample start / end edit focus + zero point + fades

It would be very useful to be able to have some way to focus the cursor to the start or end point of a sample while you are editing it (in the sample record / edit section). It can be quite fiddly to find the start / end points when you are zoomed in alot.


It would also be fantastic to be able to have a way to jump to a zero point in the waveform to avoid clicks at start / end / loop points (like Elektron offers in the Ocatrack), and also a way to maybe offer small fade ins / outs to samples.

Simon Fine

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Yeah agree it's really fiddly when you zoom in with your finger on the zoom window when it gets small.

Noticed page 38 of the manual shows a preset list in the amp envelope with a 'declick' option but my toraiz doesn't have this preset list at all so guessing they'll hopefully put this in in the next firmware update?


James Croyden 0 votes
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I would say the dev team have played with elektron devices, tempest, MPC, the usual suspects and will probably sneak in easy-to-add features without specifically mentioning them in the roadmap. Le's hope a few ones in this, my other, and other people's various suggestions make it through!


Having said all that, I am finding the Toraiz a very productive and great sounding instrument.

Simon Fine 0 votes
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Yeah kinda hoping a lot of the basic stuff like being able to record automation, copy and paste triggers etc. will be included with the next firmware update.

Looking forward to live record/overdub, hopefully they will let you run it over an arrangement and not just 4 bar loops.. :/


James Croyden 0 votes
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Hey James,


While we have a dialogue going, and you seem to know the Toraiz well, if you get a few moments over the next while, would you see if you can repro this possible recording bug I'm encountering here https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/215427786-Possible-Major-Bug-Sequencer-will-not-record-1-32-quantize-or-OFF-correctly 


I could be missing something but the quantize / offset / recording balance seems off to me.





Simon Fine 0 votes
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Hi yeah looks like it won't record that many triggers (only one per step?). If you open the sequence screen when you record you can see what happens when you try to add more triggers - it just drags the original trigger to the new beat. There is a work around if you set the retrigger count to 2 with 1/32 speed?

James Croyden 0 votes
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Cheers for trying that. Yeah, I could see what was happening on screen and had done the retrigger workaround. You can also see what's happening if you use repeat on the slider to record in realtime - the granularity of recording does not seem to match up to the quantize values on offer - particularly OFF, for recording. It's different for playing in realtime. I wonder if this can be fixed. 

Simon Fine 0 votes
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Yeah you can quantize a 1/32 rhythm but are limited to one trigger per 1/16 of a bar (unless you use retriggers).
Maybe the midi update will add a way around it? Depends on if they are planning on making a 32 step sequencer I guess..

James Croyden 0 votes
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No worries, got high hopes for the firmware update.. counting the days!

James Croyden 0 votes
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