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Loop playback

Hey guys,

Need a quick hand, establishing my workflow:

I want to drag a 2 - 3 bar melody loop onto a pad, and then play everything else around it while it plays.

The problem I'm having is that I can't get the full melody loop to play all the way through, after I drag it to the pad.

what am I missing here?



Official comment


Guys thanks for the help..

Creal let us know if this solved your problem. thanks

Dj Creme
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you would have to play it in slices, sequencing each slice to the correct particular step. what doesn't fit in the first pattern has to be sequenced in the next pattern. 

Mitchell Similien 0 votes
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Thanks for the quick response: and that is absolutely horrible! There should be a way to do that with a machine like this.

I hope there's a way to do that in the near future, cuz that's kinda a deal breaker for me long term. 

Creal 0 votes
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You say a 2-3 bar loop, so at your project tempo, would the loop finish playing by the time the trig page reaches 3rd page (the 4 lights under pattern)? If so, have you placed a trig on step 1 of page 1, and made sure that there are no other trigs on the rest of the pages?


Also, make sure the sample playback trigger mode is not set to gate, it should be one shot.


Also, make sure there is no choke group muting it


If the loop lasts longer than a cycle of 4 pages (i.e. 4 bars at your project tempo) then you have a few options. But, let's see if the above helps first....



Simon Fine 0 votes
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I appreciate the help! I'll give that a go and see how I make out.

Creal 0 votes
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as long as the trig is on the first bar, the sample is less than 32 second and max 4 bars it should play

TCO TCO (Cosmic Order) 0 votes
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I'll let you know this i'll let you know this week  week, thanks for the follow up Creme.

Creal 0 votes
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Hi there


someone said : If the loop lasts longer than a cycle of 4 pages (i.e. 4 bars at your project tempo) then you have a few options. But, let's see if the above helps first....


I need that answer please ... i have that exact issue   

untitled folder 0 votes
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