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djm 900 nxs2 is unusable with traktor 64bit when using windows 10

was told this mixer was not scratch certified by traktor here is the link to native instruments website that says otherwise https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/210273865-TRAKTOR-SCRATCH-Certified-Mixers-for-Timecode-Control-with-TRAKTOR-SCRATCH-PRO

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This does not work , I have tried with latest version of  Traktor with nexus 2 set up mixer and decks it is does not communicate with decks ? 

John Arrowsmith 0 votes
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couldnt comment on hid sorry as i am using dvs but issue i have it will only work when i run traktor in 32 bit all i wanna know is will i be able to use traktor in 64 bit using the djm nexus 2 as the soundcard how hard can it be ? 😂 not arsed if im stuck with 32 bit but just wanna know where im at and how i can use this thing properly as it was intended

mark young 0 votes
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In my experience 64 bit does not work with nexus 2 mixer is my opinion i have been trying since March since i purchased this .32 bit does work but you do not get all the features on Traktor ie record music and you cant have 2 programs opened because traktor overrides it .

John Arrowsmith -1 votes
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i have decided pioneer customer service is appauling and i will be selling my nxs2 and buying something else as i dread to think what would happen if i had a hardware issue with this mixer all ive been told is run traktor in 32 bit if it works god knows why they didnt just say this in the first place on the 13 th of october pioneer dj announced nxs2 tsp2 certified but they forgot to tell people only in 32 bit why would u say something is certified then backtrack i just dont get it

mark young 0 votes
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Not just me then ? I seem to get looked down on because i have a issue , If this issue was sorted i would not be on here but you get stupid answers when clearly i have tried everything !!!!! 

John Arrowsmith 0 votes
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I have been accused of trolling on here when clearly spend £5,500 on nexus2 pioneer and keep getting told these drivers work .

John Arrowsmith 0 votes
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@pulse mine doesnt crash until about 30 mins in i will make a littlle video for u too if u like ? dont know who you are either dont know who anyone is in pioneer they hide away 😔 ill make a video attach it to my ticket and send it to never never land and see how far i get in the mean time ill speak to native instruments for some help theyre pretty good and will at least have a go at solving it

mark young 0 votes
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Great work Pulse ! I was too lazy to be honest. Love how u "taped" ur monitor to hide the Traktor serial key ;-) . I think this finally proves the driver is working and backups my statements about it. 

Btw i have no crashes even after 2 - 3 hours session. Before Traktor 2.11 there were sometimes crashes but with latest Traktor version no problems! 

But NVM I am using rekordbox lateley much more then Traktor.

Chris Leipold 0 votes
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done a clean install of windows yesterday and traktor including losing analyzed collection wtf hey anything to get this piece of shit working 😂 will have a crack at it this weekend and see wtf is going on here and ill run it with latency mon but hopefully after this clean install there should be no issues and if there is its going in the bin and im back of to allen and heath decided these color effects are a bit to david baguetta for me edm lovers lol let u know how i get on but my gut feeling is this might work

mark young 0 votes
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ok so I can confirm problem solved done a clean install without optional updates removed asio4all soundcard works as it should fuck knows how to record in traktor if I wanted to use all four decks??? still think the eq's are too harsh and the effects are shit but fairplay cracking soundcard and this mixer does throw out some serious sound tho @john arrowsmith update to windows 10 don't install manufacturer drivers they always cause problems re-install the driver from pioneer do not install asio4all tell me how u get on

mark young 0 votes
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@pulse yes there was an update that ur driver didn't get on with !!! but after only installing minimal updates all good thanks really tho would be a lot easier if we could speak to people on the phone who understand this shit instead of a receptionist who hasn't a clue  to be fair. I understand some people just don't understand much about computers but there are some who know the score and just wanna speak to a professional i.e engineer or programme analyst. customer relations sell units

mark young 0 votes
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