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Xdj-xz too much power

Hi I have a problem with Xdj xz, after event outdoor, we don’t how possible, but someone made a mistake and for all dj equipment changed a power from 220v to 400v, reasult was terrible, in every equipment broken fuse, mixers, speakers, power amplifiers…. Also in my XDJ XZ, and now questions, Xdj xz have a some safeguard? what could have burned? Is there a chance the fuse has blown? charger? entire motherboard?
Jaroslaw Tracz

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Most probably only the power supply assy has become defective

This is part number  DWR1548. It is best for your own safety to replace it instead of trying to repair it.

For disassembly instructions search (Google) for the service manual with ID RRV4698.

Always remember only work on your XDJ when disconnected from power! Reassemble it properly before you try to connect it to power.


Markus Marquardt 0 votes
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